Tag: support topic
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more

And finally MountainHome v1.1 has arrived. A lot of work was done. All of textures were changed and the Silage silos were fixed. I have added parallax map to some objects and trees so they look better. Also i have added some cows in the stall and also they can be feeded with that feeding mod. I have deleted much of the objects because they were to high polyed so it was laggy, now the i3d file is around 18,7 mb. Terrain textures were changed with better one and also field textures were changed and they have new normal maps ... Read more
Fortshritt E340 and E302 Cutter

Here is a Fortschritt swather, used to swath grass only, doesnt accept any grains. This unit has fully functioning autopilot, which I find very helpful when playing single player, since mowing is one of the things that is hard to get hireable equipment for. This unit has been fixed by me, I have fixed the killing grass problem, also I have fixed the problem when coming over a hill or bump the swather head would come off of the ground slightly and miss grass, I have made it more flexible so it stays on the ground. This swather has ESlimiter, ... Read more
Frontier/John deere Rc2084
This is a Rotary mower Its Hp requirement is 45-90 It weighs 1100Lb You must attach the Pto to your tractor by walking to the Pto area and pressing Q This is a V1.0 If there are any bugs Please post them in the support topic A great tractor to operate it is the modteams ford force pack. Enjoy! Please do not upload nor edit this mod with out modding unlimited permssion Credits Modding unlimited Team Me for the model Team for help and testing
Round Bale Transport Trailer
This trailer is used for hauling your round bales to and from the field. Some of the facts on this great trailer are: Fits 12-16 Round Bales Bale Lock Attaches To The Back Of Your Tractor Colors Are Green And Yellow (The Frame Is Green And The Wheels Are Yellow. Multiplayer Cost $12,500 I hope this improves your gaming experience and please tell me about any problems or compliments you have about the mod in the support topic. Happy Gaming! Credits Model: Prooff Script: Bayn TSF3 Converted By Spider100
Mack RS700L
I love this truck and I hope you do too! Its got some great features like: Worn Tires New Dynamic Exhaust Rubber Duck Hood ornament Rubber Ducks Truck From The Movie Convoy Nice Rims High Horsepower CB Antenna’s Grill Guard Horn Rubber Duck Trucking Co. Cost $228 Fuel 700 Gallons I hope you enjoy this truck as much as I do. Please tell me about any problems or compliments you have in the support topic! Happy Gaming! Credits: Model: Lordtex Texutre: Lordtex Script: Lordtex Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?0dzcn6vs5wpx3mv http://www.sendspace.com/file/h7e2bq
Traffic Spine Pack
Hello, I have made this to make it easy to understand traffic spines and how to up them onto your map. The pack includes a Detailed tutorial on how to put them on your map and a i3d file including the stuff you will need, Spines and Junction triggers. I hope downloading this pack shows allot of people how easy this can be and its quick a good skill to have. The Tutorial has 10 easy to follow steps on how to do it, have tryed to explain it my best, but if you still don’t get it please post ... Read more
Fendt820 New wheels
Well here is a lovely Fendt820 I did a edit to. It might go a bit fast sometimes but it\’s a great mod for MP and SP, it\’s the right size for Wellbrook and map\’s like that… But anyway I have added some lovely tyres by STAINBY and added twin beacon\’s. It also has opening window\’s and back light\’s and a Front loader. Please refer to the support topic if you have any questions or problems. Enjoy! I hope you all like it!. Credits: Model: 818vario, Tobii und blackfox Textur:818vario & Tobii Scripte und Frontlader: SFM Modding Lichtscript v3 : ... Read more
Farndish Map v 1
Welcome to 4 months of work on my map Farndish, this is a high quality map with lots of detail. It is aimed at medium to high range computer systems, the shows are lowered some what to help the playability. This a version1 as the caravans are not yet made, I will release an update pack when its done. The map has standard fruits, and does not have cows or milk mod, however to use the slurry system you will need to buy the cows, though they don’t show up. Any problems please post in the support topic and be ... Read more