Tag: support
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more
JF_Livestock truck

Description this is my livestock truck for the jengs farm maps. filtypes: standard fruit, cows, pigs, horse, chicken, schaf, silage, manure, grass. all have its own planes. report bug on support toppic Credits defender sanya1970 TheSecretLife jengske_BE

And finally MountainHome v1.1 has arrived. A lot of work was done. All of textures were changed and the Silage silos were fixed. I have added parallax map to some objects and trees so they look better. Also i have added some cows in the stall and also they can be feeded with that feeding mod. I have deleted much of the objects because they were to high polyed so it was laggy, now the i3d file is around 18,7 mb. Terrain textures were changed with better one and also field textures were changed and they have new normal maps ... Read more
Beaver islands V.2 (by WM modding)
WM modding proudly presents: Beaver islands! This map is a big edit of jd6820driver´s map beaver island. Now it’s 6 islands, before it was only one. The map fruits is the standard fruits (canola, maize, wheat and barley). There is no silage support for the map, and no cowzone, so it’s no idea to start mowing grass. Round baling can be done on at least 3 islands, and square baling on all islands. There’s only one sellpoint for grain, and it’s in a shed on the main island with some grain in. Bales can be sold on the loft over ... Read more
Fortshritt E340 and E302 Cutter
Here is a Fortschritt swather, used to swath grass only, doesnt accept any grains. This unit has fully functioning autopilot, which I find very helpful when playing single player, since mowing is one of the things that is hard to get hireable equipment for. This unit has been fixed by me, I have fixed the killing grass problem, also I have fixed the problem when coming over a hill or bump the swather head would come off of the ground slightly and miss grass, I have made it more flexible so it stays on the ground. This swather has ESlimiter, ... Read more
Jengs Farm modpack V2
This is a new modpack for jengs farm or other maps. all vehicles edited by me, some adjusted and repaint. – livestock truck (animal and grainplanes) – livestock trailer scania (animal and grainplanes) – product trailer (hops and pallet planes) – truck scania (same as v1 only color changed) – graintruck note: the livestock do not collect from combines only selling and loading points. both trailer and truck unload now in basic and conversionscript grainstations. if you found some errors plz report it in support toppic Credits Ka88 jengske_BE Defender Du-mont Sanyaolhanka sanya1970
John Deere 1760 24-Row Planter
This is Knagsteds John Deere 1760 planter that JamesBrandt edited into a 24 row John Deere planter. What I’ve done: — Fixed offset planting issue — Re-added the Fertilizer tanks plus added 2 tanks to each extension — Fixed folding rotation so new tanks won’t hit each other — Fixed rotation point when raising/lowering planter — Fixed animation of support stand — Added hitch assembly — Converted all textures to dds format. Current fruitTypes: corn, maize, maizev2, soybean, soybeanv2, sunflower Credits v1 – Original Model: Knagsted v2 – Edited into a 24 row planter: JamesBrandt v3 – SndGrdn Edit
Meadow roller v1.0
Features: “Transport mode” – depends on the road in a row Fertilizing function in the field Grass is rolled flat (growth stage on level 1) Manually operated foot (go to support foot and press “Q”) Animated handbrake Washable Dirt flies from the “doctor” ( image ) Info: Construction (model): 2-3 hours Polys: about 8848 Working width: about 3.6 meters Scale: 1:1 Credits Modell, Textur, Ingame: MAurUS Script: Giants, Face, MAurUS
Frontier/John deere Rc2084
This is a Rotary mower Its Hp requirement is 45-90 It weighs 1100Lb You must attach the Pto to your tractor by walking to the Pto area and pressing Q This is a V1.0 If there are any bugs Please post them in the support topic A great tractor to operate it is the modteams ford force pack. Enjoy! Please do not upload nor edit this mod with out modding unlimited permssion Credits Modding unlimited Team Me for the model Team for help and testing
PDA MOD for Workers/MultiFruit (v0.94 beta)
Changelog v0.94 Fix for DLC2 BGA sell-point not showing in ‘Prices’ (thank you SoDakborn.) Minor fix to use appendedFunction() later, for CoursePlay v2.4 and v3.0. v0.93 Private edit, added “worker-icons” for CoursePlay v2.4 controlled vehicles. v0.92 Private edit, using Utils.appendedFunction(). v0.91 Private edit, minor attempt at optimizing “worker-icons” update-frequency. v0.9 Public release at LS-UK. Description Contains two features: Hired AI-workers are indicated with yellow icons on the PDA map. When using ‘courseplay’ or ‘autopilot’, you can see where they are driving (when in range). For the screens ‘Prices’ and ‘Statistics 1’, there is added sub-pages to support “multi fruits” for ... Read more