Tag: sweden
Arla truck and trailer pack v1.0

Arla is one off the biggest milk companies in Sweden This pack include one Volvo FH12 truck and a trailer I have only tested it with that dolly! Credits: Truck : TLS mod team repaint LS_SWE Trailer : braun and yellofoxx and repainted by LS_SWE Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?69x1ax6tlckuqhe http://www.sendspace.com/file/tp3pmy
Valtra XM150

Model: Saemo, Axel_of_sweden, ValtraN111 Textures: Saemo, ValtraN111, Koozzi, XarioN Script: Henly20, PeterJ Edit: Chrille154 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138378469/83cf92c/ValtraXM150.zip.html
Midwest USA High Version 3 FIXED version

Bio plant by CMX earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot, watermelon, potatoes pumkin bale pit by dodo27 manurebelt+liquidManurehose by Mistladeband_V2 by Idee: Fendt-Trisix Modell: Chan textur: Chan Konvertiert: Chan sheds by Sandgroper sm bales by Emils96 stall hangar by Hay/Straw Shed by d8430t bale ring by Deutz Fahr UK Potato cistern by bennieboy53 Westfalia surge milking robot by langedraak Unloading by bitten American dairy barn by Axel of Sweden Farm-tank system with two tanks by bjorn-ls ... Read more
Change The Farm Picture v1
Map: farmsweden Swedish Barns: Axel_of_sweden Navetta: Venom Old Windmill: Garzi Download: http://ul.to/kves86zb
Lakepeak Cattle Farm v4
Made by Nublu Big thanks to Jellebie34 for the idea and Reef for the help. Thanks to Duarn, Solanz, Wolfheart, Venom and Axel of Sweden for the buildings. Also thanks to Tyler Burgess for the bridge. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136896224/5f8354d/Lakepeak_Cattle_Farmv4.zip.html
Vanilleeis /Sandgraper /RRS /Axel_of_sweden /jd8430t /gussen97 /Gerzi/Bitten /Deutz Fahr UK Download: http://ul.to/o6n2bkd2
Midwest USA high 2nd version
Bio plant by CMX earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot, watermelon, potatoes pumkin bale pit by dodo27 manurebelt+liquidManurehose by Mistladeband_V2 by Idee: Fendt-Trisix Modell: Chan textur: Chan Konvertiert: Chan sheds by Sandgroper sm bales by Emils96 stall hangar by Hay/Straw Shed by d8430t bale ring by Deutz Fahr UK Potato cistern by bennieboy53 Westfalia surge milking robot by langedraak Unloading by bitten American dairy barn by Axel of Sweden Farm-tank system with two tanks by bjorn-ls ... Read more
Midwest USA low edition and John Deere Mod Pack
credits. American dairy barn by Axel of Sweden Farm-tank system with two tanks by bjorn-ls Farm Grain Elevator w/Bins by hsshss Unloading by bitten new low poly trees by Vanilleeis Silage pit by Maca Manur and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes and manureconveyer belt by janlanby Giants dairy reskin by jb3pc4sale fence by Sandgrope sheds by Sandgrope I hope I didn’t leave anyone out Reworked By James H Brandt 7750i Sam N and Nocsy JD orbis Agrotron 130 Jirka Sk8mike Mr.F Clod 12 row easy collect JD900 Mr.f Headshot_XXL JD direc disc erba Clod and edits by Jameshbrandt Download: http://ul.to/d4tcn9zn
Rinderzucht Stall Modell: Google Sketchup Konvertiert und cows only from the stall – Modiviziert By. : Sunsh1ne, Big-M-Lord, Frank Cadillac earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot, watermelon, potatoes pumkin and the other silos for veg. by dodo27 manurebelt+liquidManurehose by janlandby Mistladeband_V2 by Idee: Fendt-Trisix Modell: Chan textur: Chan Konvertiert: Chan sheds by Sandgroper bale ring by Deutz Fahr UK Potato cistern by bennieboy53 Westfalia surge milking robot by langedraak Unloading by bitten American dairy barn by ... Read more
Kiikkoinen map
This map was made Venom and Masa. Buildings: Venom, Axel of sweden and others. Download: http://ul.to/wf7vf8v7