Tag: switchable
Doosan DL420 v 1.0

He has: –switchable dual tires (front) – Lighting v3.1 – WD–v4 – the shovel now has more volume (50000L) so you do not drive all day only silo Credits: Giants
Fiat 90 DT

this is a fiat that i uploaded from another site for farming simulator 2011 it featurs -switchable front weights -relistic exhaust smoke -animated rear hydraulics -relistic camber -relestic indor cam(beta) -upper arm appears out if nothing is attached -turn signals,lights work -eslimiter -throttle limiter-real life sound thanxs for downloading this mod Credits original:chrisp umbaui:schluetefan1977 ingame:schluetefan1977 scripts:(model)eicher,real exaust partical systems for fiat(mythos extra weights(MR.X)gaslimiter sound: toxic9377
Fendt Vario 820 TMS V2.1.1

Greetings, dear Community! This is a Fendt 820 Vario TMS for you ! What was the V2 able to do ? RPM-Limiter Operating hours Lighting V3.1 Openable doors and windows Separately switchable dual tires Dynamic smoke Wheeldust Wheeltraces Dynamic speedometer Dynamic RPM adjustable hitch Front-Hydraulic collapses when not in use Washable Differences to the V2 ? New scin New tires New dual tires Console for Quicke frontloader .zip-file reduced Special thanks to mariodieck for the authorization and his V2 !
John Deere 7280r
John Deere 7280r – POLECAM & dirty John Deere 7280r – POLECAM & dirty New: – switchable dualwheels – switchable 4wd – new wheels – removed the reflective skin – added wheel dirt MP-Ready Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bz43izawhzj6ai2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/15sajf
Claas Axion 850 MP
Claas Axion 850 Mp Features: ESM-limiter (MP Capable) numpad + /- -Operating Ours Original sound xD !!!!!! Switchable key —— 9-twins Download: http://ul.to/w224a7t9
Deutz Fahr Agrotron 150 pack
Here is the Deutz Fahr Agrotron 150 with Stoll FZ frontlder and the appropriate equipment of the front loader. This mod is entschanden system due to a desire, it has windows and open doors for, switchable dual tires, new sound and lighting and V3. I wish you much fun with the mod Sincerely Agrotron110MK3 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138096552/d80ba2a/Agrotron_150Pack_entpacken.rar.html
LightsAddon V3.1
· highbeams ( press and hold the lights-key for some seconds to activate the highbeam ) · brakelights · reverselights · direction lights left/right (optional with automatic switch-off) · optional ticksound for the turnlights · hazardlights · parkinglights left/right ( leave the direction lights on when leaving the vehicle ) · parkinglight for the vehicle ( if you set the option lightsStayOn true) · daytime-running-lights · stroboscope flashers (optional defined or random sequence) · seperate switchable workinglights · turn-, reverse– and directionlights are syncronized with attacher vehicle · speed of ... Read more
John Deere 7530 Premium RLM
Credits: Basemodel: JD7530SN by SamN. www.ls-uk.info LS11 (C) SamN 2011 StarFire ITC: Freddy (?) Wheels: KsatriaHU, editiert von 820Power LUA-Credits: Beleuchtung v3 – Sven777b Camera – Templaer DynamicExhaustSystem – Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) ESLimiter – Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Fender – modelleicher motorIgnition2 – Templaer OperatingHours – Manuel Leithner Switchable Wheels – Schnulla-817 ShowHelp – Skullman StarFire iTC – Mario Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126029446/04bfe36/John_Deere_7530_Premium_SamN_RLM.zip.html