Tagged: Templaer


Kubota MX105 Pack

Description: Model:Templaer and Wohlstandskind Texture: CornishBoy, IrishMan Script: Templaer Quicke FL Modell, Textur:Bigfarmer145 Script:Geri-G Pack includes: Kubota MX105 with front linkage Kubota MX105 FL with front linkage Quicke Front Loader (to fit on MX105...


John Deere 5720 AutoQuad+

Description: Modell: -BizoN- & rotor32 Textur: -BizoN- Script: Templaer New Store & Transmission Ita: JD7530 Edit: marcolussi Download: John Deere 5720 AutoQuad+ [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 5720 AutoQuad+ [Uploading.com]


International 1255XL

Description: Textur: shiny16 / Kennzeichen: jan.m.o Reifen: LordNyax / Textur: shiny16 Ingame: Fendtmannfelix / Umbau: fendt2000 Scripts: Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL + Geri-G + Jack Download: International 1255XL [Hotfile.com] Download: International 1255XL...


Liebherr 550 Pack

Description: Liebherr 550 2plus2 Model: Giants (DC) Ingame: Jegge Edit: Jegge & Alfkiller Texture: Jegge & Alfkiller Scripts: Jegge, Face, Sven777b, HeadshotXXL, Templaer, Tr3n3rO Liebherr SiloShovel Model: Agrotron130 Texture: Agrotron130 Script: Outlaw Edit: Jegge...


John Deere 7930 & Amazone Air Avant ModPack

Description: John Deere 7930 AutoQuad Model: Wohlstandskind, Templaer Edit: Boembchen, Balu79nvp, Mario, Repi Scripts: Templaer, Schnulla-817, HeadshotXXL, Face, Sven777b, Tr3n3rO Re. Edit: Jegge John Deere Frontweight Model: Blancker Textur: Blancker Edit: Repi Script: Face...