Tag: Templaer

John Deere 4730 Sprayer

Description: John Deere 4730 sprayer Modell: TherÖcsy,Templaer Wohlstandskind Skin: TherÖcsy, zoli 108 Egyéb segítség:kenny85, tibcsi, bassrat Please keep the original download link! Download: John Deere 4730 Sprayer [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 4730 Sprayer [Uploading.com]

Brix Stein-Gigant

Description: Model, Texture: 818vario Animation: 818vario Script: Templaer Dirttetextures: Altair LS11: Download: Brix Stein-Gigant [Hotfile.com] Download: Brix Stein-Gigant [Uploading.com]

John Deere 7530 Premium

Description: Modder: MB_Trac Script: Templaer Edit: Traeumerkind LS11: Traeumerkind Download: John Deere 7530 Premium [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 7530 Premium [Uploading.com]

John Deere 7530 Premium

Description: Modder: MB_Trac Script: Templaer Edit: Traeumerkind LS11: Traeumerkind Download: John Deere 7530 Premium [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 7530 Premium [Uploading.com]

John Deere T660i + JD625R

Description: Original: Jdfan,Guimchevalier,Templaer,Bayn.TSF3 Moder Sven777b (Beacon) Edit LS11 : Nocsy Download: John Deere T660i + JD625R [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere T660i + JD625R [Uploading.com]

CLAAS Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle Pack

Description: Jaguar 900: Base–Model: Yekk1/BigFarmer145 Texture: BigFarmer145/LordTex/PlanetLS Base-Scripts: raptor, Arnold, Headshot XXL Midsteering by Zippo Manualignition by Templaer –> @LS11 by Andreas Schneider jlichterscript von Headshot XXL washable, ESLimiter, Operatinghours by Manuel Leithner – SFM-Modding RPMLimiter by Templaer Lightfunctions by Ellinor Ström LS 2011 porting, model editing and update, dirt skins, midsteering addition: Knuuud LS2011 ingame tweaking and physics: Herrman PU380 (reskinned Krone Easyflow 3801 LS-Modsource): Model / Texture: Bigfarmer145 Script / Animation: Geri-G Claas skin (PU300): X318iX PU380 labeling: Herrman washable: Knuuud [LS-UK] Kaiser Trailer: Modell: KirillOFF Textur: KirillOFF LS11 porting: Knuuud /Herrman Animations: Knuuud /Herrman Washable: Knuuud Download: ... Read more

JD T660i

Description: A very nice combine, now with ES limiter. Credits: Jdfan,Guimchevalier,Templaer,Bayn.TSF3 Moder Sven777b (Beacon) Edit LS11 : Nocsy Kluden (ES Limiter) Download: JD T660i [Hotfile.com] Download: JD T660i [Uploading.com]

John Deere T660i (v1.1 Pack)

Description: Original: Jdfan,Guimchevalier,Templaer,Bayn.TSF3 Moder Sven777b (Beacon) Edit LS11 : Nocsy Kluden (ES Limiter) Download: John Deere T660i (v1.1 Pack) [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere T660i (v1.1 Pack) [Uploading.com]

Krone Big X V12 Cargo

Description: The Krone Big X V12 Cargo Complete mod with forager, header and cargo box. Credits: Modteile vom Krone Big X V8: Modell: raptor; Textur&Ingame: Arnold; Sound: Exterminator; Script: Headshot XXL Modteile vom Veenhuis SW550: Modell: Kanalratte, Textur: Kanalratte BeleuchtungV3: @author Sven777b Motorstart: @author Templaer RpmLimiter: @author Templaer Plane: @author Geri-G (LS-Modsource) MidSteering: @Unbekannt KroneHud: @Kyosho Download: Krone Big X V12 Cargo [Hotfile.com] Download: Krone Big X V12 Cargo [Uploading.com]

John Deere T660i TT Pack (Rice Edition)

Description: Original: Jdfan,Guimchevalier,Templaer,Bayn.TSF3 Moder Sven777b (Beacon) Edit LS11 : Nocsy Terratrac: shangri66, balogh2003 Rice Edit: dello81 Download: John Deere T660i TT Pack (Rice Edition) [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere T660i TT Pack (Rice Edition) [Uploading.com]