Tag: terrain
CattleFarm Peeters & Son V1.0 (Beta)

Cattlefarm Peeters and son v1.0 Beta is a custom samplemodmap whit buildin rind_mod. New are the loading and unloading places for animals. donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. Animals you purchased at the farm shop, can then be unloaded at the farm or cowzone. also your able to load them back for sales. All standard selling points have been adjusted. the terrain is adjusted here and there. For the moment in the map: – original Fruits. – SP fieldstatus V3.0 ready. – MP tested Reason that i build this map: my 5year old boy play the game, and alway’s ... Read more
Barbed Wire Fence

This is an old barbed wire fence object to be placed on maps. This is not a mod for the mod folder. The fence has a static collision and normal maps for wood grain. The fence poles extend down into the ground which will allow you to raise or lower the fence based on the terrain changes as well as a middle and end piece. Unzip the file and copy the folder to your map objects and import into your map. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?12n84xslzkow06z http://www.sendspace.com/file/6uvs3f
FS 11 Map v6 by wopito

FS 11 Map v6 by wopito -The new map, which has been modified from the original game map. A varied and hilly terrain. Upper and lower fields. The original grain in addition to two other cereals: Potato and SugarBeet -Dlc2BGA -One of the sales outlet in the middle of the map -The two farms -The original place for cattle -For all cereals own silos -A lot of fields, of different sizes, flat and hilly. -Some of the fields are plowed ready -PDA-map update -Includes the PDA map where you can see what you get for each grain is. Installation: -Export ... Read more
Farming Simulator 2011 Map
-Edited from the Original Map -Varied terrain and a lot of fields of different sizes -In addition to the original grain: Cotton, Greenwheat, Potato, Soybean, Sugarbeet and Sunflower -All cereals own silos -2 Sale takes place, which may be sold to any other products, but not manure -PDA Map Updated Installation: Disassemble / take FarmingSimulator_11_Map_v4_by_wopito.zip package, the FS_11_Map_v4_by wopito.zip and Map_Fuits.zip Package your game mod folder Download: http://ul.to/2g3hdyiv http://freakshare.com/files/8jzj4d63/FS11_Map_v4.zip.html
Polish map V3
File and 3d is very small Is on the card: A farm – – Varied terrain BGA – The gates opened at about Rail Traction – Trees as a crop – Potatoes and turnips – Mud and prices Forests – Slurry v2 Download: http://ul.to/nd62wwp6
HD Terrain textures
Credits: Author: GhillieSniper Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/128097353/12f18de/HDTerrainTexturesV2ByGS.zip.html
Straßennetz mit angepasstem Terrain
Credits: Beispiel Mod Map Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126962042/0a1e608/MapmitVerkehr.zip.html
phillips land map
Credits: terrain el aleman objets el aleman Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124804556/98cff22/phillips_land_map_by_el_aleman.zip.html
Mapa Mazurski Raj
The map contains: -Cows -the possibility of feeding cows in the barn, including bales and grass from the collector -which takes dairy milk –purchase of cereal, -a large number of fields -added potatoes, beets, oats, -curiously shaped terrain Credits: By Stasiu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120986014/c7ec259/Mapa_Mazurski_Raj_unrar.rar.html
Hadeland V2
Description: Hadeland is upgraded to V2 With an open silo. It is a bit steeper terrain. Fields are slightly changed. Also some changes on the farm. It’s More Open. Credits: TEAM HADELAND Stigum81 (tuttu) Axel_of_Sweden ghost1 Download: Hadeland V2 [Hotfile.com] Download: Hadeland V2 [Uploading.com]