Tag: Testing
Beaver islands V.2 (by WM modding)

WM modding proudly presents: Beaver islands! This map is a big edit of jd6820driver´s map beaver island. Now it’s 6 islands, before it was only one. The map fruits is the standard fruits (canola, maize, wheat and barley). There is no silage support for the map, and no cowzone, so it’s no idea to start mowing grass. Round baling can be done on at least 3 islands, and square baling on all islands. There’s only one sellpoint for grain, and it’s in a shed on the main island with some grain in. Bales can be sold on the loft over ... Read more
Massey Ferguson 290 + Hydramet Kit

The Massey Ferguson 290 is a skin of the highly popular ‘Ursus 3514’ mod by TL-Modding. We have improved all aspects of the mod. From it’s features, to it’s performance. The only thing lacking is 1:1 Scaling. Due to complex reasons, to do with the model, it will not be available. Information on the Mods: Massey Ferguson 290: To start the mod use KeyPad Enter (Once) in the information box it will state if you have ignited the ignition or not. To activate Steering Lock Press KeyPad 5, the Green in the top right denotes it is not active, the ... Read more
Massey Ferguson 6280 Pack

Massey Ferguson 6280 Massey Ferguson 6280 with Quicke Q980 Frontloader Both tractors work like a dream in Single AND Multiplayer Feartures: 1:1 Scale Model Realistic Interiors High Resolution Model Dual Wheels Tilting Front Axle Openable Doors Worklights Autosteer 3.0 DO NOT UPLOAD THIS MOD TO ANY OTHER FILE HOSTERS Credits Model, Ingame and Textures: Tepa00 Scripts by The LS-UK Modteam Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro Testing by DylanAlcorn, Kartturi and Jeppee
Massey Ferguson 35 v2
Model: Tepa00 Textures: Tepa00, Keke Ingame: Tepa00 Scripts: LS-UK Modteam (henly20) Ingame testing: Jellona77, Haasa90, DylanAlcronLawd.
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only FIXED 2
FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: roof Killer , Model: ... Read more
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only
FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures and the Alternative tipping. Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: ... Read more
John Deere 7810 EDIT fix v1.2
Original Authors: – Templaer und Wohlstandskind Additional Authors: – Russ (www.ls-uk.info) – Converted mod to FS 2011 and added additional functionality – Sven777b – Beleuchtung v3 – Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – ControlPanelAttacher, ESLimiter, InteractiveButtons, InteractiveComponent Interface, InteractiveControl v2.0, PowerShaftAttacher Edited wheels and front part of the hood : Sotillo Re-edit by: MPFARMER (me) Testing by: MPFARMER (me) EDDIE VEGAS FOR SOUND’S KJ981300 FOR SOUND CHANGE, Download: http://ul.to/fsyyi9ma http://freakshare.com/files/25v2uq9h/JD-207810-20EDIT-20BY-20KJ981300.zip.html
John Deere 7530P
Model/Texture: Bigfarmer145 Sound: Sevorane In-game: Geri-G Script: Geri-G/Face Edit: DaleC Testing: JonnyDeere, Danthefarmerboy, David-96, Tomo23 & HaaaaryXD Download: http://ul.to/wfcq9ju7
Farndish Map v 1
Welcome to 4 months of work on my map Farndish, this is a high quality map with lots of detail. It is aimed at medium to high range computer systems, the shows are lowered some what to help the playability. This a version1 as the caravans are not yet made, I will release an update pack when its done. The map has standard fruits, and does not have cows or milk mod, however to use the slurry system you will need to buy the cows, though they don’t show up. Any problems please post in the support topic and be ... Read more