Tagged: textures


Carretao HL

Credits: Modell: ??? LS 2011: Piotru$ Textures: Internacional-BR(Jader) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126893201/b28a575/Carretao_HL.zip.html


Wellbrook Map 2011

Credits: The LS–UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123) Thanks to Vanilleeis for the Lowpolytrees, J+B modding for the sugarbeet textures and Headshot XXL for loadshovel script Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126713364/7aeda0c/UNZIP_ME_WELLBROOK.zip.html


Ford/New Holland 7740

Credits: Model: Saemo Textures: Saemo, ValtraN111, Koozzi. Frontwheels XarioN Script: Giants software edit: masseyman44 EDIT: Shy Rage EDIT: Shy Rage Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126497474/c6976ca/FORD7740blue.zip.html


Massey Ferguson 165 S

Credits: Engine: Perkins-diesel A4.212, 4 Cylinders , Max. power 68/2000 hp SAE/rpm Model and textures: Hankkijamies Ingame: Hankkijamies ja Urakkamies Script: Henly20 and PeterJ www.ls-uk.info Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126412231/c427fd3/Massey_Ferguson_165_S.zip.html


Massey-Ferguson 290 4×4

Massey-Ferguson 290 4×4 Stronger, more durable and excellent for large jobs. keys 5 – On / Off Tractor 6 – Work Lights Credits: Trator Massey-Ferguson 290 4×4 Modell, Textures, Scripts, Ingame and Sound: Caca...


New Holland TC 59

Credits: TC59 Modelo:Knagsted and FazendeiroBR Textures: Atayna Sound:fazendeiroBR Script Sandro Agradecimentos: John Anthonnyy, Mario www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Plataforma Modelo:Ataynã & FazendeiroBR Textures: FazendeiroBR,johnanthonyy, ataynã Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125770082/678239d/TC59_descompacte_nos_mods.rar.html


Valtra S352 Blanc

Credits: Model: XarioN and ValtraN111 Textures: ValtraN111 and XarioN Ingame: XarioN Script: Henly20 and Peterj (Thanks for downloading our mod. Cheers; EP-Modding) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125698591/766ff57/ValtraS352Blanc.zip.html


Massey-Ferguson 290

Credits: Trator Massey-Ferguson 290 Modell, Textures, Scripts, Ingame and Sound: Caca BLOG: www.farmingsimulator-mania.blogspot.com/ Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125592409/32d319b/MF_290_v1.zip.html