Tag: Texturing
Mc Cormick IH 423 India Edition

It is 4wd small/medium sized tractor which is capable of light and heavy work aided by a very tight turning radius making it very maneuverable in tight spaces. Things i edited/added: Almost a complete reskin. Resized the tires. Altered the mod weight. Added front CaseIh toolbox weights. Added Rear wheel weights SPECIALIZATIONS: Selectable 4WD ESlimiter Operating Hours Wheel Particlespec Hireable Ai tractor Plus the basic specializations. Credits Base/Original Model-Saschii Case IH tool box- Modding & Texturing: Cretan-Iceland testing: Stone & Bracker Cretan-Iceland Rear Wheel Weights-Fordson Major Pack
Acros 530 v2.0

Model: Sharikov2 Texturing, ingame: AndreyGunko Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?iugjnqd85375a2z http://www.sendspace.com/file/r7sxzg
DON 1500 BB

Model, In game: scholl Photographic material: Kish777 Texturing and edit: dimaks By RusAGROteH Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fatvkoktve9bph3 http://www.sendspace.com/file/j3ygru
Don 680 GR 4000 Pack
Credits: Combine Modell, Textur: Agrotron 130, Jirka, scholl, Paulis. Ingame: scholl Sounds: Demon999 Edit by:Demon999 Cutter Model: Demon999 Texturing: Demon999 Ingame: Northern_Strike Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137995820/ef70c0d/Don_680_PACK.rar.html
Cattle Feeder Pack
Credits go to. Moddeling: farmercal96 (me) Texturing: Farmer54 Converting: Farmer54 But it is my mod. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137563806/c75a11a/Feed.html
UMZ-6L v2
Modell: EED123 & Max1985 Texturing: EED123 & skindy Convert: EED123 Script: Tornado (mtz script) Edit: kolhoznik18 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129552630/4cf103e/umz6l.zip.html
Credits: Model: EED123, Max1985 Texturing: EED123, skindy Convert: EED123 Script: Tornado (mtz script) RePack: vanek Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123932536/92dd551/JUMZ_6L.zip.html
2PTS 4,5 mod8549
Credits: Model: BMD-9211, Clondike Rama: Majster Texturing, Ingame: Clondike Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122547025/2053b9a/2PTS_4_5_mod8549.zip.html
Kirovec K-701
Description: Modeling: Brain Texturing: Brain Script: Edit & Create by Brain LS11: MAC Download: Kirovec K-701 [Hotfile.com] Download: Kirovec K-701 [Uploading.com]
Kirovec K-701
Description: Modeling: Brain Texturing: Brain Script: Edit & Create by Brain LS11: MAC Download: Kirovec K-701 [Hotfile.com] Download: Kirovec K-701 [Uploading.com]