Tag: the map
Kennel V 1

Description here even a kennel with barking dog. be placed anywhere on the map Credits: steve1912,icedealer
Caravan v 1.0

Description Here I give you times the original caravan of Giants To place for the map Made Costs at the store: 1000 Contribution per hour: 50 Credits: Original: Giants Edit: Meister-Fabian
New Textures for the barley

Description A great new texture for the barley. Hardly any other barley textures so this would be nice -To install- move the folder (inside the ZIP) to desktop than extract the 3 textures (windrow, diffuse, cutted)from the folder and copy them. Paste into the textures folder in map01 (If standard map) Or if a mod map go into mods select the map _ map 01 textures-folige_ than paste Thanks to Maciey for the texture Credits Maciey
Carinthia map v 1.0 by husqvarnafan

Hello dear community ls I thank all of those modders and textures I’ve used objects Required mods: Map door trigger map bga silo It is, for example. improved a hw 80 requires service, the trailer because I did not with the seeds and the ferlitzer hinbekommen in v2 It’s a fish on the map a ball shredder etc. The map has been built complete new You can sell your crops at Billinger country trade There are small to medium size fields that are all biting excessively steep I have uploaded the map so that you can tell me what can ... Read more
Fuhrmann Map Edited v2
This is a reprint of the map Fuhrmann. The topographic map has a completely flat. Surrounded by mountains with many trees, the vast cultivated fields of corn, canola, barley and wheat stretch to the map surrounded by a lush vegetation of trees varied. Many problems were found and corrected in the original version of the map map name. I am not satisfied with the map, I did a remake of my taste. v1.0 -> New texture (soil and fruits). -> New time of growth. -> New BGA by Bullgore (BGA errors were corrected). -> New COWZOONE – Main Farm with: ... Read more
Pack of vehicles to the station map orange
hello! Here is a pack of vehicles used in the station map orange all vehicles are ready for the new crops tansportar the map and also outas in pack contains: cat coffee Coffee cane harvester cacucar peach grape and orange constellation truck, cart war, Kroeger orange edition, catcoffee cuter, among other you only need to put them in your mods folder Enjoy yourself Credits thegamermodteam,theaylton,anggelbad,victor12yers, Dmarte,wohlstandskind,Outlaw,meistro & Repi,and rachel´s
Norwegian Building Pack
Here I have made a small Building pack for you. The pack consist of: -> One Old Norwegian barn. – That has sell triggers for ALL original fruits between the two silos, in front of the door, A baleshredder just inside the barn ( about in the middle of the floor), A Liquid manure trigger, and also a manure heap with trigger. -> One Equipment shed – This one does not have any functions, only a shed for storage of your equipment. -> One small Shed – This one does not have any functions, this is only a small shed ... Read more
Stable and BGA for Riversidemap V2
After a lot of people wanted to like to use the stall next to a BGA on the map of Riverside Profarm, and I wanted the barn anyway überarbeutet again, I am endschlossen to add another BGA. This is her in the village from the dealer. In addition, two more were built for high pressure Abladepunkte bundles (see pictures). This can not square or round bales are unloaded / sold! At the barn can be fed corn and grass, which is then written in the PDA well. Barley can be stored at the stable ebenfals and removed (SHOT). Manure and ... Read more
Beaver islands V.2 (by WM modding)
WM modding proudly presents: Beaver islands! This map is a big edit of jd6820driver´s map beaver island. Now it’s 6 islands, before it was only one. The map fruits is the standard fruits (canola, maize, wheat and barley). There is no silage support for the map, and no cowzone, so it’s no idea to start mowing grass. Round baling can be done on at least 3 islands, and square baling on all islands. There’s only one sellpoint for grain, and it’s in a shed on the main island with some grain in. Bales can be sold on the loft over ... Read more
Savegame-Name Mod for FS11
Hi everyone. Does it bother you that you can’t see which savegame belongs to which map if having multiple maps installed? – Well then i have the solution for you: The “Savegame-Name” Mod. It reads the name of the map from the moddesc entry of the map and on saving your game it appends it to the savedate (look at screenshot). The next time you start the game you can see the name in the savegame selection menu. I hope this mod is helpfull for you. For me it definitely is. greets KillaBot PS: this tool ist open source and ... Read more