Tag: TheStivala
Strautmann Verti-Mix 1050

Since the Strautmann has almost always anyway, thank you very much for all the love Modtauschern who have once again makes that this mod was released. Most of all I must thank me for JanO45 who has given the mod on, like a agznee J.i. .. Thank you! attachable animatedVehicle cylindered mouseControlsVehicle fillable Trailer Fenster powerShaft variableTip variableBody Convert beleuchtung31 mooringblocks Mp: Yes Credits: JanO45 Avenzio TheStivala Silv3r LBell Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?vbx3sh0weohhmkx http://www.sendspace.com/file/3u0748

Credits: Modell: TheStivala Textur: TheStivala Script: Heady Konvertierung in i3d: Silv3r Download:
Objektepack by TheStivala
Credits: Siehe ReadMe-Datei!! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125339377/8e0b557/ObjekteByTheStivala.zip.html
Hallen v by TheStivala
Credits: TheStivala Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123463122/24aef72/Hallen.zip.html
Credits: by TheStivala Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121257050/c49cb59/milkRobot_diffuse.rar.html
Traunsteiner Silos
Credits: Modell: TheStivala Textur: TheStivala, Fendt208V InGame: TheStivala Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120797021/2c2f0f2/TraunsteinerSilo.zip.html