Tag: Tibcsi
Perard Interbenne 25 V1.1

Nice overloader that can hold the 4 standard fruits. The original one had some problems, so i fixed some things and now it works great. Price: €10.000 Capicity: 25.000 Fruits: Wheat, Barley, Raps & Corn Edit: Made unload speed faster Translated handling from Hungarian to English Credits Modell: Kevin353, net.NEO Skin: net.NEO Ingame: hz888, Tibcsi Script: hz888, Tibcsi
Fieldstar OL 50 v 1.1

UrModell: Kevin353, net.NEO UrSkin: net.NEO Ur-Ingame, UrScript: hz888, Tibcsi Partikel der neuen Füchte: dodo27 LockSteeringaxles Script: FIAT80-90DT Sämtliche Änderungen, sowie alle Fruchtplanen der neuen Früchte: Chefkoch Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9s14ct6cq2imb68 http://www.sendspace.com/file/emhdc9
Claas Disco 3050TC
Description: This is the wonderful mower by xyzspain & Tibcsi. It only had one problem, It wasn’t MP compatible. Well, i have made it so that it works in Multiplayer, and problems be sure to tell me what they are and i will try and fix them. Credits: Modell & script: xyzspain LS11:Tibcsi Download: http://ul.to/5ggbqmw9
Claas Disco 3050 TC (MP ready)
Modell & script: xyzspain LS11:Tibcsi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136300611/8447d43/ClaasDiscco3050MP.zip.html
JohnDeere 4830 Sprayer
Credits: Model 4830: Formula_1 Textura, Script: Formula_1 MOD By Formula_1 Model Original: JD 4730:Thercsy and Tibcsi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125699708/acd6123/JohnDeere_4830_Sprayer.zip.html
Perard Interbenne 25
Credits: Modell: Kevin353, net.NEO Skin: net.NEO Ingame, Script: hz888, Tibcsi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125597138/8ff1a6f/perard.zip.html
Claas Disco 3000 TRC v 2.0
Credits: Models & textures:xyzspain Script:xyzspain LS11:Tibcsi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122467864/95742b3/ClaasDisco3000TRC.zip.html
Krone easycut
Credits: Models and textures:xyzspain Script:xyzspain LS11:Tibcsi Skinn:6920power http://modworks.phpbb8.de/forum.php Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121060624/671d2be/Kroneeasycut1.zip.html