Tag: time
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2) Officially confirmed release date

ENGLISH: Finally, the officially confirmed release date from ETS 2 is published. Here is the official letter from SCS Software: (Deutsche Version weiter unten) Dear friends of truck simulation games, I have news about the Euro Truck Simulator 2 release: finally, we are ready to commit to a specific release time. This piece of good news may however be mixed with a bit of disappointment, especially for the less patient among you. We have been working on the game for almost two years, sticking to the proverbial “when it’s done” planning all this time. Now, at last we are confident ... Read more
Small Disk Harrow

Here we have a small Disk Harrow, It is built to suit the Massey Ferguson 240 pack as well as The basildon Blues. When you download this file there are two files located inside it, You will have to UN-ZIP it using J-Zip, Win Zip ect…. The reason for the two files inside is that One of them is the Disk Harrow that gets dirty and can be washed and in the second file there is a Disk Harrow that over a long period of time will get rusty (cant be washed off). Features 1:1 Scale AO Texture Washable Animated ... Read more
BigBud 747 v2 mit Heckhydraulik

Hello! I’ve always Wolte a BigBud haben.Doch unfortunately not working properly (at least I’ve found). I particularly missed the hydraulics on the rear! ! So I made my own one time and assembled in the days of Puzzelarbeit. been improved: -Driving behavior Wheels are now running around -Rear mounted hydraulic -Manualignition (key num) eventu. Set in control -ESlimiter Wheel-particle -Wheeldirt -Much exhaust fumes Tilt the hood läst (key 5), a door opens (touching on UM9 + NUM6, trailer hitch height adjustment (key 4 + num num 1) This is consistent with the key assignment there, because it does not appear ... Read more
Flood Lights
Need to place in map with Giants Editor. there is 2 flood lights one with one light and the other with two lights and they both come on at dark and turn off at day break. this is the frist time I work with lights to make them come on and off feel free to edit and upload just give the proper credits please thank you hope you like them Credits: light poles Giants light addins me (srg90) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?em13kckmivuih2l http://www.sendspace.com/file/g8oh58
Glenvar 2012 – Final Edition v6.0
Welcome to the 2012 Glenvar map. After a long time without any update, I tried to make a final version for this map. In 2011 I made the conversion from version 2009 to 2012. Now bring the remodeling of the 2011 version with several enhancements and new features. New detailed textures extend over about 400 hectares of land to cultivate. The map was created in 2009 Glenvar Bayn – TSF3 Mod Team and converted by Ls Portal Team Italy. So I converted the original map for LS2011. With the same abject, only new vegetation and cultivated fields. Credits: Original Map: ... Read more
Morning fog v1.0
[gallery link=”file”] Mod contains two versions of the fog: – File MorningFog_dynamic.zip – dynamic version, the density of the morning fog is changing every day or fog does not occur at all – File MorningFog_static.zip – fog occurs every morning and always looks the same Select your preferred version and paste it into the “mods” folder. WARNING! Do not paste both versions, the mod will not work properly. Files from the “sky” folder paste into “X:game_directorydatasky”, where X and game_directory is the drive letter and folder where you installed the game. WARNING! Dynamic version is dependent on day of the ... Read more
New Holland Serie T8390
Although modeled and assembled his own scripts, some people gave me support on some issues that arose during its assembly. I want to thank the the Time of Farming Simulator Mods for the support, especially when Nessoto that made my entrance into the team and gave me support. I also thank Ataynã that helped me solve some problems last time. • Opening the door and rear window; • Option hydraulico front or weight; • Working lights front and rear; • ESlimiter and Operatinghours; • Exchange of eight sets of tires, included the filipados; • Rear Hitch mobile; • inner Light; ... Read more
Australian clothes line
This is an Australian clothes line modeled on the on in my back yard. This is a map object, to be imported in to your maps via GE. This model has AO and is scaled to 1.1.1 to true size. Please give credit if you use it in a map and upload it. Thank you and hope you like it. Credits: Model: Kaznall and massive thanks to Sams for all his help texture: Kaznall and Sams patience and valuable time and his flight to Australia. Ingaming: Sam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9tz2qddheed8n7h http://www.sendspace.com/file/cr3lsn
High-voltage transformer, Siemens
It will be nice getting a new kit and a small foretaste of it here is the first part in the hope that her hunger for more ;) The time now is 23k poly transformer that is already high poly and have looked to whether there is a weak computer with even more versions give the somewhat smaller The plan is for the kit: Current lattice Smaller transformers Turbine house Turbine Holzpfal electricity / phone line E Network Accessories Substation equipment Download: http://ul.to/6yeuhjcl http://depositfiles.com/files/qbc9w3zem
Massey Ferguson 6170 v1
This is the Massey Ferguson modcontest from everything I’ve done it scaled 1:1 and changed the numbers on the page. I hope for a better version that will include hopefuly do the following: – Passenger seat mod – Front Loader – New tires To the top by Dynashift transmission (ABCD), press, press the left mouse button and then you come down with the right mouse button and to the standard steps at one time to go home and come back to the bottom in which you press Exit. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?has8foi27pos872 http://www.sendspace.com/file/93l4na