Tag: tobii
DeLaval slurry tanker

818vario Textur/Ingame: Tobii Script: Outlaw Sound: sevorane Gefixt und verbessert by Kleener-Putzi Neuer Skinn: maissilage
Zunhammer tridem – dribble v1

Modell: daniel11 Textur: daniel11 edit by: Altair Script: Outlaw Sound: sevorane Performance-Tuning: MadMax Kleine Änderrungen: Tobii Zunhammer skin : Hansemann 7 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?s45cp0ppedvvv9j http://www.sendspace.com/file/430g3o
John Deere 7710 and Quicke Q75 v ohne Fronthydraulik

An die Leuten, die bei dem Mod mitgewirkt haben : Tobii, Stefan, 818vario, Koedel, 820Power. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?c8lmmkn70lodbm8 http://www.sendspace.com/file/0crk99

Credits: Modell: 818vario Textur: 818vario Specialtuning: Tobii Multiplane: Flori LS11 Ready: fendt-936×4 Download:
Fendt820 New wheels
Well here is a lovely Fendt820 I did a edit to. It might go a bit fast sometimes but it\’s a great mod for MP and SP, it\’s the right size for Wellbrook and map\’s like that… But anyway I have added some lovely tyres by STAINBY and added twin beacon\’s. It also has opening window\’s and back light\’s and a Front loader. Please refer to the support topic if you have any questions or problems. Enjoy! I hope you all like it!. Credits: Model: 818vario, Tobii und blackfox Textur:818vario & Tobii Scripte und Frontlader: SFM Modding Lichtscript v3 : ... Read more
John Deere 6820 v3.1
820Power, Desperados93, Tobii, MF390, Stefzimmermann, (Ls-works, Acid_Burn84, Arnold, Sourceworks, Jan-Hendrik, SFM-Modding, Sven777b, JohnDeere6930) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137996117/e5e9311/JohnDeere6820_v31.zip.html
Suer 800kg Gewicht
Description: Hier ein 800kg Gewicht der Marke Suer. Credits: Modell: 818vario AO_Textur: Tobii Konvert: Tobii Ingame: Tobii Ls11&mp Ready: TechnoRapper SRS Umbau: deutz13006 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?n5ea2o60ma5v6t4 http://hotfile.com/dl/135634290/08adf50/Suer800KG.zip.html
Fendt 820
Credits: Urmodell:Tobii/Blackfox Umbau/Scripte:mx270 Weitere Scripte:modelleicher,Face(SFM),Sven777b Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125666655/33913ec/Fendt_820_Vario.zip.html
Tuhti WS120 Pack
Description: Models: Venom Textures: Venom Scripts: Giants, Steyr_-_fan, Tobii, LEnNy94 ja Black-Spirit Download: Tuhti WS120 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Tuhti WS120 Pack [Uploading.com]
Deutz-Fahr DX 160 FL
Description: DT8 Modding, Deutzjeck93, Tobii, 818vario, Download: Deutz–Fahr DX 160 FL [Hotfile.com] Download: Deutz-Fahr DX 160 FL [Uploading.com]