Tag: tool
Light Adjustment Tool

A small and simple tool that I made out of Necessity. Simply import it into your current project, place where needed and you have a visual aid to adjust the lights on your vehicle. Credits designed and created by niceguy4704.
LS 2011 PATCHER ver. [ENG] and [ITA]

Hey guys I have released a new version of patcher. Cangelog: – the application haven’t a free tool to decompress a mod.zip, in fact the size of installation is reduced. I have implemented a dll on application to extract and compress a zip file ^^ – you don’t search manually a NAME_MOD.xml because i have added a function to search this file – i have implemented a function for backup of original file. – now is very nice to use. It’s to try Cheesy Credits Created by me MIKYB854
Remolques Agrobellon
Pack trailer Agrobellón dropside with two and three axles and load capacities ranging from 12000 to 24000 kgs. The pack containt the following trailers: – Agrobellón V12: two-axle trailer with dropside 12000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 4250x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective, open type truck. – Agrobellón V14: two-axle trailer with dropside 14000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5000x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V16: two-axle trailer with dropside 16000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5500x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V18: two-axle trailer with dropside 18000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 6250x2400x1200 ... Read more
Savegame-Name Mod for FS11
Hi everyone. Does it bother you that you can’t see which savegame belongs to which map if having multiple maps installed? – Well then i have the solution for you: The “Savegame-Name” Mod. It reads the name of the map from the moddesc entry of the map and on saving your game it appends it to the savedate (look at screenshot). The next time you start the game you can see the name in the savegame selection menu. I hope this mod is helpfull for you. For me it definitely is. greets KillaBot PS: this tool ist open source and ... Read more
John deere 9630 skidder prototype
hi,i make this new skidder prototype for logging map price 10 000 fuelCapacity 900 fuelUsage 0.009 add and adjust 9630 cab add and adjust 8×8 dual wheel add and adjust rool-cage adjust arm adjust wheel adjust light key for arm turn arm z-x up/down kp 7-4 elbow arm kp 8-5 length arm kp 9-6 tool pitch kp 0-2 tool turn kp 1-3 enjoy all Credits original 3d model by: solanz script by: stalker ingame by: zippo cab jd9630 Modell by: balogh2003 jarlax tweek
JD 4855
Full gene has been changed: Tool box attached Twin tire rods removed Decoration work light Starfire retrofitted Indoor Fixed Camera Tank capacity / consumption changed 2 dsplays eingbaut Adjust speed Reverse light expanded Price changed Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136494225/8f971ad/JD4850_v4_Edit.zip.html
CAT Wheel Excavator V5
Description: Mod by Zippo Unpack the rar archive. Under the archive you have 2 mods: The Excavator The Bucket The excavator features: Ignition, RPM limiter, Hydraulic sounds while working, Bucket rotation, Worklight on the arm, Foldable shield You can use any frontloader tool, including the bales tools. I let the Numpad 1 / 3 free for bale loader attachments. Download: CAT Wheel Excavator V5 [Hotfile.com]
Frontloader (Header and tool attachment) FIXED
Description: Attach any tool trailer or header to your front loader Will be easier to arrange them. Updated: Adjusted centre of mass – both tools now sit correctly Both tools were half way in the ground – fixed Adjusted placement on the front loader so they sit better Credits: Mod by Zippo. converted by frasercow Fixed by Madfer Download: Frontloader (Header and tool attachment) FIXED [Hotfile.com] Download: Frontloader (Header and tool attachment) FIXED [Uploading.com]