Tag: tractor
Deutz Fahr Intrac 2000 Prototyp

had me once the Deutz Fahr intrac voegenommen 2000 prototype and have it modified somewhat, now you can with the tractor, the door andthe rear window I open’ve also installed the same even lighting v3 and the sound when the innnenansicht makes, so the lane relastischer acts Download: http://ul.to/v17e0ox7 http://uploading.com/files/bcb6535d/Deutz_Intrac_2000.zip/

This tractor was stolen from Santa just for you! ))) Established in 1500 bulbs! This is a Christmas gift from Santa! Santa wishes everyone a Merry Christmas! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137426951/698c8fc/SANTAPACK.zip.html
Valtra Loader

Description: Meet! New VALTRA LOADER! This tractor is designed for the great work! Improved driving performance! bucket attached 4500kg Credits: GIANT SOFT Download: http://ul.to/6vfks6wk
Mullis V1

Now you can feel the farming taken to extreme level in school atmosphere! My newest map takes place in Finland in an agricultural schoolfarm. FEATURES: – Supported fruits: Barley, Wheat, Rape, Oat, Rye – Proper traffic and pedestrian paths and cowzone – Working PDA map – 13 Different sized fields – River which can devour thoughtless student’s tractor Download: http://ul.to/cla81416
Steyr 8130
Description: Tractor Credits: LS11: Steyrfan SRS2012: Grisu118 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?d0m3o1wou06b65k http://hotfile.com/dl/135802628/09eef49/Steyr8130SST13.zip.html
Massey Fergusson 8690
Description: Tractor Credits: MASTER-OF-DISASTER NilsvanKTownn(Ich) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?wny63swdlmsbcn7 http://hotfile.com/dl/135801806/95c59ef/MasseyFergusson8690srs.zip.html
Deutz Fahr Agrostar 6.38
Description: Tractor Credits: Modell & Textur: sascha170285 & Piepe87 Konvertiert zu Srs:Timiboy10 Schneeketten: Timiboy10 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?omu1u9qzqduf8ii http://hotfile.com/dl/135798235/b13305c/DF_AgroStar683_Quicke_FL.zip.html
Deutz Agrofarm 430
This is my version of Deutz AgroFarm 430. I deleted the front loader and added dual wheels. I hope you enjoy the tractor! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134985670/b063885/DeutzAgrofarm430.zip.html
Valtra S352 V1.1
This is the Valtra S352. Original model from XarioN and ValtraN111. Used specis: AttacherSetRpm Gear (which is basically a handbrake) manualIgnition (NUMPAD enter) Wheeldirt The tractor runs about 60km/h and pulls quite good! All credits go to the original modders XarioN and ValtraN111 and to the original scripters! Thank you! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134582996/058c9a5/ValtraS352_V1_1.zip.html
john deere 6180 s
nice all around 4wd tractor with duals, ES LIMITER, and hr meter logiasus – es limeter and hr meter leonadof – tractor and duals Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134582784/867435f/JD_.zip.html