Tag: train
Thuringian Forest Map v 2.0

Was added a gas station (diesel purchase) A sand mining (sand purchase) a station with a train track (no train runs) (sale of sand wheat barley canola corn potatoes, purchase of fertilizer and seed) sale in the wagon or in the field a construction site (selling sand) were on the farm silos replaced by grass and Maissilagesilo New grass texture added have been added power lines the bga has now other silos Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/Z5eDbfa4xr/Thueringen_v2.zip http://fiberupload.com/spy09afgde13/Thueringen_v2.zip
Wooden Road Sign v 1.0

The signs are: BGA Brewery CowZone FarmingShop Gas Station train station main farm 2ndFarm Lidl sugar factory Supermarket Village Port Empty Sign With The Correct Font for making your own signs. This font copy to: C: \ Windows \ Fonts Download: http://freakshare.com/files/2jj2j7c4/Woodensigns.zip.html http://ul.to/27brsbuo
Kenworth road train T800 8×6
Download links: http://ul.to/rk5bdrz4 http://freakshare.com/files/cyp8m69n/Euro_Truck_Simulator_Kenworth_road_train_T800_8x6-Baixaki.rar.html
Dobrogea Map
BarnXXl-Zippo UnterStand-Zippo Houses,YardObjects,Train,Fences-Giants Dealer- hinrich0815 Shelters-Trixi Simple streets-Giants with Glockshut texture Aldi(Ecodobrogea)-Zeromatick Bga-seeandrax Bridges,StreetLights-johnnyB Windturbines-Seeandrax Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134871115/7d2b220/Dobrogea.zip.html
Train Transport Trailer for ETS
【Introduction】: Train Transport Trailer for ETS. Cargoes name is ‘Train Transport’. Made by CSW2005111. Install: put scs file into your mod directory, then all right. 【Credits】: Made by CSW2005111. 【Download】: Train_Transport_Trailer.rar (833.19 KB)