Tag: transportation
HAMI hurricane jeep

this and the new hemi jeep hurricane It is equipped to accomplish great tasks like pulling trailers large and small, can also drag up some plows and implements downforfe made alert by thor script (by anggelBad) has the functions of transportation low and high by pressing (5) transport down to small trucks and trailers button (6) High transportation for large trucks and plow also has high and low headlight and fog light arrows reverse and Giroflex to use map orange season or place your map in your mods folder and enjoy Credits theaylton victor12yers anggelBad
McHale 991

McHale 991 bale wrapper 3 colors (changing colors: Black, Green, White)Automatic (no need for 3 separate wrappers/mods).Lighting’s Script V3.1Work light, turn signals, brake lights, reversing lights.Transport position, labor’s position, ball counters, animated prop.Particle uptake in bales, roll animation time reduced.Selectable color films in transport mode. New tires, steering axis in labor’s position.Is stored:The selected color wrap, bale counter and transportation and labor’s position. Whether all the animations are visible in multiplayer I can not say.Price in Store: 16,990 LS The winding process and the loading and unloading are automatic.Choice is to unload the bales wrapped, either after the winding process, ... Read more
Promodis CARGO xp140

Grain tandem Promodis Cargo XP 140 with capacity of 14000 kgs. – Fill types: Wheat, barley, maize, rape, sunflowers, potatos, chaff, grass y fertilizer. – Lighting system: Dipped headlights, fog lamps, reversing lights, intermittent right and left and intemitentes fault, besides gauge lights front. – Wheels and suspension: Tires 385/55 R22.5 and suspension of 4 tandem with tension springs – Loading and unloading systems: Box with side reinforcing ribs, front and side cartolas upper back manual opening and canvas (* mandatory under current regulations for transportation of manure and fertilizers). Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bxwx6kb1g8qd65o http://www.sendspace.com/file/yxfert
Citroen c15 V2 by juangb
Hello, I present my latest edition of the c15, since the first version was heavy for a car, this would have reduced more than half, this consisting of the same as the v1 This includes: – Flashing lights with buttons 1-2-3 – Apply and remove rotary key 5 – Apply and remove special transportation cartel approved. – H horn button also has front and rear hitch for towing either. nothing else I hope you like and enjoy, juangb. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?82hqpkkpf972n0m http://www.sendspace.com/file/moo6xm
Silent Valley V2
2.0 – Release # Erweitertes Gebiet (Doppelte Grösse im Vergleich zur SV1) # Standard Fruchtsorten: Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Mais # Milch als Transportgut (Milch muss täglich bis spätestens 23:59 Uhr zum Händler gefahren werden, sonst gilt sie als verdorben und wird ohne entschädigung entsorgt) # Komplett neu gestalteter Hof # Viele neue Objekte # Kein Landmaschinen-Händler vor Ort (Equipment wird am heimischen PC übers Internet bestellt und direkt vor den Hof geliefert) # DLC3 Ready 2.0 – Release # Extended Area (Twice the size as compared to SV1) # Default fruit varieties: wheat, barley, canola, corn # Milk in the ... Read more
MAN TGX for special transportation
VW-Fahrer Ein dank an alle modder für die scripte sirrobin für die 3d arbeiten zucchero für die anbaute. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137840765/0e4d306/MAN_TGX_fendt_hupe_wsb_new.zip.html
Loaders for special transportation
Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137840549/9916191/spez_tieflader.zip.html