Tag: turn
Pilmet V

Here is the Pilmet v a small sprayer for small farms Capacity: 2027 gallon Working wide: Around 12m Controls: B will turn the sprayer on X will fold the sprayer Credits: Model: Andreycunko Edit: Bociek & Soca
Great Plains 3P300

Great Plains 3P300 V is one superb mod for farming simulator 2011. Very detailed model is made from 60000 polygons. Looks awesome. It doesn’t have special functions, just fold or unfold. You don’t even have to fill it with fertilizer. Just buy it from in-game shop and you are good to go. Don’t forget to buy some front weight for tractor because this sprayer is a bit heavy.You can unfold only one sprayer arm by pressing key “x” for left arm and/or key “o” for right arm if needed. Turn on/off pressing key “b” on your keyboard. In game price ... Read more
New Holland 110-90 DT

This is the New Holland 110-90 DT wich is a good allround tractor works great for almost everything the tractor is fitting for small and medium farms you start it with 5 it has working lights front and rear and it has rear dual wheels and also warninglights wich you turn on with the “Home´´ button it also has blinkers kp1/2/3 It costs 15000 dollars in the shop. Credits: 3D : Opelman Script : Leny,EJ Modding Reskin : EJ Modding
Lamborghini Racing 190
Version V1.0: All animations and functions can be controlled from the cab of an IC-Controlle. e.g. Engine start / stop, doors, windows, roof hatch, cabin lights, wipers, 4×4, warning light, turn signals, rear PTO, light, sun visor, etc. Full animated cockpit Help window by pressing F2 (visible only in the cabin) -In-/Outdoorsound Responds to doors, windows and roof hatch -Adjustable Indoor Camera Physical-cam driver seat with noise bumps Wipers -Ein-/Ausblendbare Front Console -An-/Abbaubarer Front loader with hydraulic leveling and a new sound Scoop for Standard Fruit (DLC2 version gives it extra!) Washable All- -Throttle limiter -4×4 (MP ready) -DLBA (air ... Read more
Hello everyone another Tennessee style farm you have to turn the traffic off to run this map then sell the old yellow combine orignal grain and machines 1 sell point the brewry milk pick up twice a day sell grain or store it medium size farm and fields 25 in all hope you all enjoy Edd. Giants LS-UK.info for upload Old farm house Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahruk Hen ark Ford4600fan John Deere Dealship Troll711 John Deere and Deere.com Reskin houses Giants Arig3 General Barn Docoz Triggers Giants Cadaver Old farm Daniel Vijoi GH 2010 Construction House Troll711 Pub Coggie Fuel ... Read more
John Deere 4455 (fixed)
This is my John Deere 4455 with the Dual Wheel and Weights problems fixed. This should solve the problem some players had with these functions. Many thanks to jnqsws for finding the problem with the lua files that was preventing the duals and weights to not work for some players. This is my John Deere 4255 V2 which is an edit of Knagsted’s John Deere 4450 model. Decided to make the John Deere 4455 rather than another 4255. Very close to 1:1 scale. Tests error free in SP. It’s MP ready but not tested, so please let me know if ... Read more
Transall V2 (airplane)
Hi, this is the V2 of the Transall, now with new gear and propellers animirten … (Yes, you can fly it)! (now with speed information)! control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left they can be transported by any vehicle, truck or dolly, simply attach the front. (a dolly is included) (must be unzipped) Urmodder Piper: Sven77b Urmodder Transall: namreh78 (Approval is Vohr) have fun.
Fendt front loader with 308 industry
I made my turn and once the model of Eicher Fendt 308 reworked. (Permit provided) I’ve given it a front loader, new skin and sound. There are more Ändereungen but not relevant (scripts, etc.) I hope you like the Fendt he is also close to 1:1. My thanks goes to the model Eicher has given me some good advice and also to Iceland, the Cretan-me his front loader was provided. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4vlc7vwpmb6at9w http://www.sendspace.com/file/iygca7
Flood Lights
Need to place in map with Giants Editor. there is 2 flood lights one with one light and the other with two lights and they both come on at dark and turn off at day break. this is the frist time I work with lights to make them come on and off feel free to edit and upload just give the proper credits please thank you hope you like them Credits: light poles Giants light addins me (srg90) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?em13kckmivuih2l http://www.sendspace.com/file/g8oh58
Nuhn 6750 Beta Release
Description: Multiplayer ready Version 1.0 Capacity 25552L Price $29000 Features Hazard lights Left & right turn lights Attachable PTO Brake lights InputBindings Left turn lights KP_1 Hazard lights KP_2 Right turn lights KP_3 Credits Model & Texture by Frasercow Script by Frasercow & Giants software Ingame by FraserCow LightsAddon V3.1 Script by Sven777b Attachable PTO Script by LS-UK Modteam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?wtsapwyf63grjri http://www.sendspace.com/file/dp8xxj