Tag: txt
[NKB-modding] grass texture

Have times the grass texture from Demolition Company brought in the Ls and the mowing, wilting, and the Schwadtexturen to adapt. Credits & Acknowledgements Grass Texture: Giants Mowing, and wilting Schwadtexturen: Giants / Michi Installation Instructions Stands in the enclosed ReadMe.txt Support only: ls-galaxy A lot of fun. MfG Michi Download: http://ul.to/lzhb5cox .rar
Kentucky Blues 04Beta

Original map layout taken from Hawk Hills V1 by Mickr4. Please view the Readme1st.txt located in the main zip file for the list of mod authors. Download: http://ul.to/5qws7plq
2-Axle Tilttrailer for ETS

Introduction: 2-Axle Tilttrailer for ETS This’s a standalone trailer by Holli Install: following the readme.txt file below Credits: – Base Frame by Holli – Rest by Ventures87 – The models, skins and other files in this package can be used in “Euro Truck Simulator” by private persons. – It’s forbidden to use this or parts of the package for commercial use. – It’s allowed to make skins and place them for download. – Trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. Accepting one or more parts of the terms of use means ... Read more