Tag: umgeskinnt
Deutz Fahr Single Rotor

I have the Kuhn GA 280 umgeskinnt of JoniiboY, and made it into a Deutz Fahr Rake. I’ve also added the mod further optimized and the larger the smaller Zip to 3.8 instead of 11, x MB. Functions are still the old present. Steering-linked wheels Folding swath Langsammes turn on the gyro PTO attacher point
John Deere S690i Super Rotor

If you want maximum capacity, then you need the new S-series. Every component and every system are designed to maximize uptime and productivity. With the new S-series, you can harvest more effective and more convenient than ever before. fruit types = “wheat barley maize rape sunflower poppy oat rice” Grain tank capacity 14 800 liters Reapers of SFM modding (Claas brand umgeskinnt) Work mode: K Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?exjrw7amq43v2lm http://www.sendspace.com/file/ot3t0f
Pisten Bully Pack v 2.0

Hello this is my first mod I converted the slopes and umgeskinnt bullys. There are 3 different Skinns: white, yellow, red. And FH for the front. Download: http://depositfiles.com/files/h95tb0h4w http://ul.to/upxa5y7f
Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Alpine Mountain Rescue Mountain v 1.0

I have the Toyota Land Cruiser 200 umgeskinnt by Wolf Tiger and equipped with lights flashing and sirens wailing. Download: http://depositfiles.com/files/o2nebb1gx http://ul.to/51alpqli
Here is the third version of the IHC 1455XLA. Added /Changed: Exhaus can be changed Rims were umgeskinnt No log entries more and weights for tune. The ride was somewhat improved and the brake no longer running. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132225495/87024cd/IHC_1455XLAv3.zip.html
Steyr 760+Frontlader
Credits: Steyr 3.29 litre 4 cylinder Naturally Aspirated – 75 hp @ 2100 rpm umgeskinnt by !!!Steyr!!! www.ls-uk.info Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127611759/8220be5/Steyr_760_Fl.zip.html
CAT Lexion Pack V2
Description: Urmodder: Mauermatze & sk8mike Umbauten und umgeskinnt: Bandit & MRA Modding Download: CAT Lexion Pack V2 [Hotfile.com] Download: CAT Lexion Pack V2 [Uploading.com]