Tag: unzip
(MC Modding) Peeneland

MC is a modding relaese the Peeneland_final available. Installed are: Yard with Abaldestellen Grain farming Drying plant with straw bales and trigger Feed plant farmer cooperative trading Livestock barns with pasture Stud Sugar Factory Food plant and Beverage Industry Relaese includes: unloading fixed I thank all the modders whose work at my disposal. This map can be found on all pages using the LS Download original Download links available. It is not permitted, this map in a different form or provide a different name for download. Special thanks to Tatra148 locksmith and Sing. Note: saved games the final Peeneland can ... Read more
IH 400 Cyclo Planter Pack

This is the IH Cyclo 400 planter (seeder) from 2009 by mifku. It has been converted to LS 11. This is a seeder that has to be filled to work. It uses Knagsted‘s JD 1760 script. The marker arms do work! I was told it was for SP only so I do not know if it will work in MP. There are two versions in the pack. Version 1 is an old rusty looking version and Version 2 is a new looking version. This is only a 6 row planter but it works very well. It has been tested to ... Read more
Texas map_2011

This is the Texas map converted to 2011. The fruits it has is wheat, rape, maize, barley, soybeans, sunflower, rice, pea, greenwheat, potatoes, and sugarbeets. I change and added some roads and added a potato and sugarbeets storage and some buildings and baleshredders. Unzip zip file and put all zip files in mods folder. Download: http://ul.to/rrrqv5ak http://uploading.com/files/34484fc6/Texas_map_2011.zip/
BETA-RELEASE: Sugarbeet Mod
This is the sugarbeet Mod. This package comes as a “beta-release” due to some unresolved bugs and some bad scripting work. The package contains : – an updated version of the “alternativeTipping” from SFM Modding – a MapFruit zip file to manage sugarbeet fruit ingame – Agronomic Cultivator (acts like a sprayer) – Brimont 24T trailer – C12 Gilles Seeder – Cochet Pozossol trailer – Gilles AD-49 lifter – Gilles TR-16 defoliator – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester combine version – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester alternative tipping version – John Deere 7720 with additional wheels – Liebherr 904SE excavator and sugarbeet ... Read more
Pack Case IH Mod
Case Ih 335 double + subsoiler armadillo unzip the folder mods Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134030457/eb69e98/Pack_Case_IH.zip.html
John Deere 6420 Pack
Credits: www.Ls-planet.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122862245/febce9d/JD-6420-Pack—UNZIP-.zip.html
Fenlands Map Final (v.1.2)
Description: This is the FINAL version of my Fenlands map. I no longer have time to fix the remaining bug on this map. Please read on for details. Notices for special people: – You need to plough before you cultivate, since patch 1.2 by GIANTS – Workers will not plough for you – As above – until you have ploughed at least once – Remove older versions of this map first – You will need to start a new savegame The Fenland Map is loosely based on a portion of the Cambridgeshire Fenlands. It has two farm yards, a central ... Read more