Tag: Updated
Claas Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle pack edit by EddieVegas

To use this mod and to get it into the store you need v2.0 or newer of the game. It’s EASY to read the release notes when you are about to download a mod and find that out instead of complaining before you know. Patch can be found here for the non steam and mac users: Giants update page and its FREE! This is the Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle pack for LS2011 by Knuuud [LS-UK] and Herrman. Featuring REAL knicksteering, auto aiming in turns, fully washable, fully illuminated. Detach the trailer and attach another while your buddy drives it back to ... Read more
CLAAS Lexion 770 v2
Updated, Modifed Lexion 770 Supports: Odometer – New Script! ESLimiter OperatingHours IgnitionSystem Washable Credits: Shangri66, Defender, Gate Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?w8ptcihx9sxu551 http://www.sendspace.com/file/p5dspk
Farming Simulator 2011 Map
-Edited from the Original Map -Varied terrain and a lot of fields of different sizes -In addition to the original grain: Cotton, Greenwheat, Potato, Soybean, Sugarbeet and Sunflower -All cereals own silos -2 Sale takes place, which may be sold to any other products, but not manure -PDA Map Updated Installation: Disassemble / take FarmingSimulator_11_Map_v4_by_wopito.zip package, the FS_11_Map_v4_by wopito.zip and Map_Fuits.zip Package your game mod folder Download: http://ul.to/2g3hdyiv http://freakshare.com/files/8jzj4d63/FS11_Map_v4.zip.html
Galucho ALU trailer
Model 3D Models/Textury Mr.Pawel, selonik by: EED 123 Modification: Hesston Convert and Fixed, Updated to LS11 by n00body Reskin: Cyparty Download: http://ul.to/pow0stry http://uploading.com/files/me3cbm66/galucho_alu.zip/
Scania 124L SFS Selonik
SFS Bale Trailer edit & ingame: hz888 skin-freightliner reskin: Siddo SFS Scania 3D Models/Textury:SheriO, Orzech, wombat, selonik Konvertatsiya/programirovaniya: InGame: sanya1970, selonik Reskin: Siddo SFS Cargobull Model 3D Models/Textury Mr.Pawel, selonik by: EED 123 Modification: Hesston Convert and Fixed, Updated to LS11 by n00body Reskin: Siddo Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136895232/1229464/Scania124LSelonikSFSPACK.rarmore-37777.html
Ground Zero version 1.2.1 [Updated]
Credits to.: Giant. And the credit for the buildings used in this map are.: pcspast. DerJango. Showgunn84. wiliam 7530. Wolfheart (aka. Peelo). Gerzi & Bitten. janlandby. Ceema. Sniper214. melfoy. Tika. Cadaver. fanka157 X3mperformance. Thanks for the great mods. Download: http://ul.to/avxqqybl
John Deere 6910 (1.1)
Description: Model: Templaer & Wohlstandskind Texture, script: Templaer Changelog: – Updated the model Download: John Deere 6910 (1.1) [Hotfile.com]