Tag: uploaded
Fan Skin Pack FC Bayern Miunchen

Credits: Speedy66666 Original link: http://uploaded.net/file/hllb6rpm
John Deere 348 with centrifugal cultivator v 1

Credits: Freddy.com Henly20 & psycho Burner Maciusboss1, Fallout MC M@C Original link: http://stor1128.uploaded.net/dl/a760da04-995b-48bc-a204-e6b5e54155cc
Skin for Mercedes Actros Volkswerft v1

Credits: Je80 Original link: http://uploaded.net/file/qso5j9ei
Kverneland 4m Accord v 1.0
Credits: Giants PAvson69 aka PavsonRM Original link: http://uploaded.net/file/w1hth17n
Miunchener Mercedes Pack v
Credits: Skin by Speedy66666 Trailer Rommi TZ Original link: http://uploaded.net/file/dxyrym8r
DAF XF Pipe left + sideskirts
Fill the gap between the wheels with those fantastic sideskirts, specially designed for DAF vehicles. Don‘t miss a chance of being recognized on the road! Author: Roadhunter Video review: Original link: http://uploaded.net/file/rkyqdbc1
New Holland 1112 Swather Pack mod
Description This is re-skin of the excellent Fortschritt E340 Swather & E302 Cutter already on this site into an early 80\’s New Holland 1112 Swather like the ones I used to see around when I was a bit younger. :) Like the Fortschritt, this unit is used to swath grass only, it does not accept any grains, has a fully functioning autopilot and the killing grass problem has also been previously fixed. I Edited the swather sounds to make them a little louder since they were very quiet and changed the sound on the cutter unit as the original used ... Read more
[modcontest] Poettinger Jumbo 10010 Combiline
Description This mod has been uploaded as part of the 2011 Official Giants Modcontest. The mod was submitted by Daniel11 / Daniel Woldendörp. Credits Daniel11 / Daniel Woldendörp GIANTSContest2011_PoettingerJumbo10010Combiline