Tag: Urmodder
Kirovets red v 2.0

Credits: Urmodder Mac Überarbeitet Don Karsto,stierronny123 Skinn Badhunter Umbau Ich Django01
Claas Cutter Pack V 2.5 Washable

Description The pack consists of: Vario 1200 Auto-Contour (real weight 3820 kg / 1545 kg game) Vario 1050 Auto-Contour (real weight 3510 kg / game Kg 1,514) 900 Vario Auto Contour (real weight 2870 kg / 1501 kg game) 750 Vario Auto Contour (real weight 2400 Kg / Kg game 1,476) All the reapers: Animation collection Laser foldable (press “L”) Adjustable reel (“N” key) Washable Auto-Contour Credits: * Bandit * Urmodder the southwest (not known)
Lamborghini R 4110 municipal v 1

Lamborghini R 4110 as a municipal vehicle for you It is the standard executor of Giants, was built into the JoMaule an hour meter, speed limiter and the lighting V3.1. I have only changed the skin according to my ideas and made the wheels because of the road holding a little wider. Price: € 102,000 Daily Upkeep: 12 € Credits: Urmodder: JoMaule Bearbeitet: matthes45
Hired Worker Consumes Fuel and Seeds v 2.0
The mod makes sure that the Satgutbehälter of the drill and the saw is the medium tank capacity is less economical I mean that if you einstelt the Hälfer the abziet so the seed and fuel. So that sometimes the seed refill sometimes must. Credits: Der Urmodder: audia8dup1
Rolltor v 1.0 incl. Script
In the Map file modDesc.xml add the following lines: Credits: Ehemals BGA Schiebetor mit Funktion Urmodder: Desperados93
Fendt Flex-Weight
Fendt Flex-Weight As much traction as possible, as little weight as you need! The new FLEX WEIGHT Variable front weight is in the area of ??front weights for tractors in a class by itself. Thanks to its innovative design, you can use it to the front axle ballasting increase depending on the requirements, without changing the basic weight of the front weight. CLAAS FLEX WEIGHT is used on most tractors. Price in shop: 3795 Special thanks to Kleener-Putzi for the approval! Credits Urmodder aus LS09: Kleener-Putzi Ingame Ls2011: Kyosho’s Modfactory Umbau/Updates: Kyosho’s Modfactory
Lanz D1705 Racing
Hi, hir ist ein Lanz D 1705 in der Racing EDIT von Spider100 Ich habe diesen Mod Getunt, für Freaks die gerne etwas schneller Fahren. Er hatt eine so hohe Zuglesitung dass er ohne Probleme gorße Kipper zieht. Der Schlepper Fährt nun ca. 90-100 km/h (dass is sehr schnell) Zudem ist die Durchzugsleistung so optimirt, das man nicht auch die großen und Leistungsstarken Geräte bequem verwenden kann. Ansonsten ist er weitestgehen Orignal (Es kommen aber noch weitere Versionen. Viele werden jetzt denken dass ist unreal, ja mansche werden sich sogar beschweren; aber ich gebe denen Recht. Das ist ja auch ... Read more
Transall V2 (airplane)
Hi, this is the V2 of the Transall, now with new gear and propellers animirten … (Yes, you can fly it)! (now with speed information)! control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left they can be transported by any vehicle, truck or dolly, simply attach the front. (a dolly is included) (must be unzipped) Urmodder Piper: Sven77b Urmodder Transall: namreh78 (Approval is Vohr) have fun.