Tag: v0
John Deere R58823 – 45 Kg six pack (270 Kg) v0.8b

Credits Models: RammGmbH Textures (if any): RammGmbH
VeG-S – VehicleGroups Switcher (v0.92)

Mod description Remember ‘FastSwitcher’? Now we bring you the next generation called ‘VehicleGroups Switcher’, or just ‘VeG-S’ for short. With this, you can put your fleet of vehicles into 10 groups, and then be able to switch between vehicles that is in the same group. Also, this mod remedies the problem FastSwitcher has, where it will activate the action that is assigned to the same base-key – and you can keep the Golf Carts ;) Credits Script: Decker
Unimog 1600 v0.5 BETA

Facts: Unimog 1600 by Maxter Released lying around for because of bad BETA Modular I nformation: Only a BETA version, improved full version may follow if he likes you! Note Model: Maxter texture: Maxter-game: Maxter tires: Thanks to Luis Ködel Is only released because it is lying around on my eyes too bad … IT IS NOT PERMITTED FOR OTHER MODELS TEXTURES OR MODS TO USE AND TO DOWNLOAD TO MAKE! Copyright INSIDE!
PDA MOD for Workers/MultiFruit (v0.94 beta)
Changelog v0.94 Fix for DLC2 BGA sell-point not showing in ‘Prices’ (thank you SoDakborn.) Minor fix to use appendedFunction() later, for CoursePlay v2.4 and v3.0. v0.93 Private edit, added “worker-icons” for CoursePlay v2.4 controlled vehicles. v0.92 Private edit, using Utils.appendedFunction(). v0.91 Private edit, minor attempt at optimizing “worker-icons” update-frequency. v0.9 Public release at LS-UK. Description Contains two features: Hired AI-workers are indicated with yellow icons on the PDA map. When using ‘courseplay’ or ‘autopilot’, you can see where they are driving (when in range). For the screens ‘Prices’ and ‘Statistics 1’, there is added sub-pages to support “multi fruits” for ... Read more
*Avoid Auto-selling Milk at Midnight (v0.9 beta) Script: Decker *CattleBarns Tommy23 (LSUK Forum Member) *hedge Dennis Busch *empty map:Gigants.map constructed:johan *orginal models by gigants *Green/Brown Barns American Eagles Mod Team Download: http://ul.to/h7ga1le8
QuickCamera v0.9(beta)
Description: What can this mod be used for? With all the additional key-controls that modern vehicles and implements now has, it is not always feasible to switch between keyboard and mouse all the time, as it may cause driving errors or worse… So to look quickly around, this QuickCamera mod introduce “quick-tap keys” for both cabin camera and external cameras of a vehicle. Basically if you quick-tap the ‘Look Left’ key, the camera will rotate to the next 45-degree angle to the left, and so too for ‘Look Right’. To look backwards, quick-tap the ‘Look Down’ key, and forward is ... Read more
Euro Truck Simulator MAN Sleepwaggel Wielsma v0.1
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?kzkva49f9gw8lx8 http://www.file-upload.net/download-3466118/MAN_Sleepwaggel_Wielsma_v0.1.rar.html
Hired Worker Consumes Fuel and Seeds (v0.9beta)
Are you annoyed at the hired workers somehow magically do not use any seeds or fuel. This little mod changes that, so they now do. However be aware that the hired workers are pretty dumb, so they do not notice when the seeds run dry, but will still drive on. Also, they can run out of fuel too. Note: This mod will not work for vehicles that use a non–standard ‘Hirable’ specialization. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137563411/938ced4/ZZZ_HiredWorkerConsumesFuelSeeds.zip.html