Tag: Volume

Description Features ► Removable flap ► Attacherjoint for the Pitchfork of Burner (Manual Attaching recommend) ► Tilt-able ► Price: €1599 ► Volume: 1500L ► 1:1 Scale ► Locks when transporting palets ► Fruits: wheat, rape, maize, barley, chaff, manure, grass, dryGrass Credits Model: Michl2 Textur: Michl2 Ingame: john deere 1020 Script: modelleicher, fendtfahrer95, Geri-G, desperados93
HW80 Mist trailer v2

The HW80 is a mist of low-lift Volume: 15000l FillType: manure Modell/Textur: Jincheng/Bigfarmer145 Script/Animation: Jincheng Fixed by corben-d@ll@s Umbau auf Mist: .Giga. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129810908/9d2afb6/HW80_Misttransport.zip.html
Landsberg Quantum XXL

Description: 100000 Litre Volume Load Gras Staw and Dry Gras Credits: Mod by Larry LS Ready by spider100 Download: Landsberg Quantum XXL [Hotfile.com] Download: Landsberg Quantum XXL [Uploading.com]