Tag: volvo bm
Volvo BM 430

Here’s my edit of the Volvo BM 430! Specializations; ESLimiter manualIgnition worklights Duels weight wheelextra Controls; ESLimiter_plus – key pageup ESLimiter_minus – key pagedown Extrawheels – key 9 Worklight/extralight – key 6 Ignition – key Numpad Enter Weight – key 7 Information; Price; 57400$ Fuel; 95 gallons Twinbeacons Credits Model: Axel_Of_Sweden Ingame: PeterJ Script: Henly and PeterJ Edit 1: Chrille154 Edit 2: Takk (me)
Volvo bm 810

this is the volvo bm 810 its atractor for small-medium sized farm tractor. I have added more light and new tires key 5 to start key 6 for worklight key 7 frontweight Features: MP Compatible Better Worklight ESlimiter Credits Model: Axel_of_Sweden Ingame: PeterJ Script: Henly20 and PeterJ Edit: Chrille154 and Nonispettersson
Volvo BM 814 Edit

Description: So here is an edit by me of the Volvo BM 814 by Axel_of_Sweden and Peter J Thanks tho them for giving me permison to release this one. And thanks to Knagsted for giving me permison to release this one with his JD4850 script to get the exhaust cover moving! The new functions on this one is moving pedals,doors and exhaust cover. Credits: Model and textures:Axel_of_Sweden Ingame and Script:PeterJ Exhaust cover script:Knagsted Edit:Samuelswe Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129757990/b012012/VolvoBM814Edit.zip.html
Volvo BM Valmet 2105 v2
Description: Model: Axel_of_sweden Script: Larsey123 Edit: Axel_of_sweden Download: Volvo BM Valmet 2105 v2 [Hotfile.com]
HvorFandenErJeg Map
Description: JUST PLACE THE ZIP IN YOUR MODS FOLDER! A danish inspired map. Its a huge edited version of the standard map, only a few things is original. PDA-map: *1: The ad-blimp. You can actually get up on that *2: Typical danish-looking pig-farm *3: Your main farm with silo’s, silage-pits, one small and one large barn *4: Grainmill, sell barley, wheat and canola here *5: Farmshop; bye and sell equipment here *6: A small, shut down farm, modelled like my granddads farm back in the 80′s *7: Swedish inspired farm *8: Dairy. ‘Them Ost’ is the dairy my dad delivers ... Read more
Volvo BM 2654
Description: Model: axel_of_sweden Ingame and Script: PeterJ Download: Volvo BM 2654 [Hotfile.com] Download: Volvo BM 2654 [Uploading.com]
Volvo BM Valmet 2105
Description: Model: axel_of_sweden Ingame and Script: PeterJ Download: Volvo BM Valmet 2105 [Hotfile.com] Download: Volvo BM Valmet 2105 [Uploading.com]
Fiatagri Winner F140
Description: Modell: XarioN Textures: XarioN InGame: XarioN Script: PeterJ (Volvo BM 2105) Download: Fiatagri Winner F140 [Hotfile.com] Download: Fiatagri Winner F140 [Uploading.com]