Tag: Washable
Welger AP730

AP 730 with simple chute: The baler produces 36x49cmx1.2m bales for wheat, barley, grass, dryGrass, oat, rye, greenwheat and triticale. AP 730 with foldable loading chute: The baler produces 36x49cmx0.8m bales for wheat, barley, grass, dryGrass, oat, rye, greenwheat and triticale. Detail description: Lower/Raise PickUp: Key V Turn on/off: Key B Open Chute: Key X Working and Transporting Width: Key O (not zero) Empty Baler: Key M Clean Chute: Key K Characteristics: Animated pickUp. It gathers straw or grass only if it is down Lights: Standard Lights 3 different pickUp particles Bale counter Washable Credits Model-Texture: Mythos Script: Mythos Copyright ... Read more
Case International 1594

Case International 1594 By opelman I has realease permit from him. This Case Ih is very good on ploughing. This Mod has next functions: Ploughing specs. Washable, powerShaftAttacher, Dynamic Exhaust particle, Wheelparticles, Interactive control panel, Wheel tracks, ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, openable windows, Switchable 2×2 Traction, Drive direction Change, hours, press “5” to 2×2 Traction on/off press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to put on right dual wheel press “9” to put on left dual wheel press O to change ... Read more
FS2011 Deutz Tractor Pack (Washable)

This is the Default FS2011 Tractors, with a few enhancements. This is a re-upload as the original version is missing a texture file. All the vehicles are washable, and wheelparticles. They also have ESlimiter, operating hours & RPM displays. The store prices for the vehicles are slightly higher than the base vehicles due to the added options. Credits Models & Base Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH Dirt Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH & Calamarain Specialisations : ManitouAutosteer: henly20 (LS-UK Modteam) Compass : JACK Operating Hours : Manuel Leithner Washable : Manuel Leithner ESLimit : Manuel Leithner (edits for RPM Display ... Read more
Amazone Big dog Seeder
A large surface seeder.It supports all major seeds with a 6000 litre capacity tank.It is completely reskinned in amazone citan colors and new washable skin.Use it with any tractor but try it behind an articulated tractor and u will see it leaves no empty spots at headland turns in helper mode. IT IS THE HORSCH BIG DOG SEEDER WITH AMAZONE SKIN AND NEW WASHABLE DIRT COLOR Credits Modell: Giants Soft Animation: Dietschnnorbert Askari
Meadow roller v1.0
Features: “Transport mode” – depends on the road in a row Fertilizing function in the field Grass is rolled flat (growth stage on level 1) Manually operated foot (go to support foot and press “Q”) Animated handbrake Washable Dirt flies from the “doctor” ( image ) Info: Construction (model): 2-3 hours Polys: about 8848 Working width: about 3.6 meters Scale: 1:1 Credits Modell, Textur, Ingame: MAurUS Script: Giants, Face, MAurUS
Raven Blue Bird 3000
The raven Bluebird 3000 with a working width of 3.00m and a maximum working depth of 25cm is also well suited for heavy soils. He is due to its 3 bars with a total of 11 bands and plates, as well as its packer roller with a diameter of 440mm the perfect combination for soil preparation. Features: • adjustable depth cultivator by roller (mouse control) • Washable • Light Script • Particle System Furthermore, this mod on a 1:1 scale! Dankaussagungen: At Katsuo: the texture, even if it took a little longer .. * G * At Marti: for s-game ... Read more
Fendt Vario 820 TMS V2.1.1
Greetings, dear Community! This is a Fendt 820 Vario TMS for you ! What was the V2 able to do ? RPM-Limiter Operating hours Lighting V3.1 Openable doors and windows Separately switchable dual tires Dynamic smoke Wheeldust Wheeltraces Dynamic speedometer Dynamic RPM adjustable hitch Front-Hydraulic collapses when not in use Washable Differences to the V2 ? New scin New tires New dual tires Console for Quicke frontloader .zip-file reduced Special thanks to mariodieck for the authorization and his V2 !
Massey Ferguson 8140 V3
Beleuchtung V3.1,Control Panel Attacher,Driving Partycle System,ES Limiter,Extra light Sources,Extra Weights,Hydro stat,Internal sound,Manual Ignition,Multi Power Shaft Attacher,Operating Hours,Retro HUD,RPM Display Control,Speed Display Control,Washable,Wheel Dirt Specs and it has manual gears 16 Forward + 4 backward. Credits Copyright © GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved. M & F Moddding.
Small Disk Harrow
Here we have a small Disk Harrow, It is built to suit the Massey Ferguson 240 pack as well as The basildon Blues. When you download this file there are two files located inside it, You will have to UN-ZIP it using J-Zip, Win Zip ect…. The reason for the two files inside is that One of them is the Disk Harrow that gets dirty and can be washed and in the second file there is a Disk Harrow that over a long period of time will get rusty (cant be washed off). Features 1:1 Scale AO Texture Washable Animated ... Read more
Veenhuis Silagewagon SW550 V2.2
Nice trailer for chaff and grass made by Veenhuis. Error-free and Single/Multiplayer compatible. Features: – Scale 1:1 – Animated rolling – Adjustable Harvesterflap – Animated slate floor – Animated roof – Washable – Lightscript V3 – Capacity: 40.000 Controls: Close Harvesterflap: K Open Harvesterflap: M Activate Chaffcover: J Credits LS09: Kanalratte LS11 and Edit: Dorsy & Balu79nvp 1:1 Scaled: Jesse James Script: Fruktor Animations of Roof/Rollers: Kyosho’s Modfactory