Tag: wheat barley
John Deere 500 Grain Cart

Description fruit= wheat barley rape maize soybean grass caff oat fertilizer cotton I made the new script. now works Credits Modell: Knagsted Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1]]>
John Deere 500 Grain Cart

Description fruit= wheat barley rape maize soybean grass caff oat fertilizer cotton I made the new script. now works Credits Modell: Knagsted Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1]]>
CsepelD344 v 1.0 multifruit

Old Hungarian truck 4WD 5517cm3, 100LE maxspeed,: h 82.66 km / First time used the army. Later used territorially and forestry worked. Daily upkeep 38 Loading volume 5600 Usage transporting wheat barley, rape, Maise, chaff, potatoes or sugarbeets. Credits: sirály0211
Maz 200B & Maz 205 Pack

Welcome back to John Deere equipment! If your looking for trucks we have got exactly what you need right here the Maz 200B and the Maz 205! They are the best trucks around with features like: Maz 200B/Maz 205 Multiplayer Supported Moving Gauges Opening Doors/Windows Multifruit (Wheat Barley, Rape, Maize, Chaff, Grass, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, carrots, Sunflower & Sand) Blinkers/Hazard Lights Moving Switches Vibrating Engine Opening Engine Panels Addable Spare Tires Manual Ignition Cabin Lighting Very Detailed Brake Lights Moving Shifters Dim/Bright Lights Maz 200B Trailer Capacity: 12,000 MAZ 205 Trailer Capacity: 7,000 MAZ 205 Cost: $90,000 MAZ 200B Cost: ... Read more
Claas bucket
fruittypes: wheat barley rye oat rape maize soybean sunflower potato carrot karotte dung manure silage chaff grass dryGrass mohn sugarbeet fertilizer capacity:1850 price:1000 Credits modeler / texture: CLAASVEET81 Edit + reskin: Geertyb0y
PTS 10 Edit NL version
Great russian 10 ton trailer very detailed.+ new nice skin. Fruits:wheat barley rape maize chaff. Credits Modell: MAC Textur/InGame: MAC, Paulis
Ford pickup plus trailer
Pickup, the following fruits wheat barley grass potato carrot rape maize silage sunflower sugarbeet Trailer wheat maize barley grass chaff rape Thanks also go to Shippy74 for permission. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?257h7nwb13ypite http://www.sendspace.com/file/sjtvqh
John Deere S690i Super Rotor
If you want maximum capacity, then you need the new S-series. Every component and every system are designed to maximize uptime and productivity. With the new S-series, you can harvest more effective and more convenient than ever before. fruit types = “wheat barley maize rape sunflower poppy oat rice” Grain tank capacity 14 800 liters Reapers of SFM modding (Claas brand umgeskinnt) Work mode: K Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?exjrw7amq43v2lm http://www.sendspace.com/file/ot3t0f
Claas Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle pack edit by EddieVegas
To use this mod and to get it into the store you need v2.0 or newer of the game. It’s EASY to read the release notes when you are about to download a mod and find that out instead of complaining before you know. Patch can be found here for the non steam and mac users: Giants update page and its FREE! This is the Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle pack for LS2011 by Knuuud [LS-UK] and Herrman. Featuring REAL knicksteering, auto aiming in turns, fully washable, fully illuminated. Detach the trailer and attach another while your buddy drives it back to ... Read more
AA47 Tipper
Here is the multi-fruit version of the classic trailer fa. Country trade Moeller GmbH tilting to the right. With trailer coupling. tipAnywhere capable, suitable chippers – reinhäckseln you can Types of fruit: wheat barley oat rye grass rape maize chaff cotton training poppy potato sugarbeet sugarcane sunflower Download: http://ul.to/w7lnlnmo http://depositfiles.com/files/1u8hmswrs