Tag: whit
MAN TGA 41 440 8 4 whit trailer v 2.1 fixed

Description Added rotating lights, brake lights and horn. Capacity 32,000 Kg Trailer Hitch only under Shop price 230,000 Fuel tank 800 liters Maximum speed 100 kmh 100% functional, no errors. Weight: 9mb Thanks to software Giants for the basic model. trailer: This trailer is original LS 2013, is adapted for MAN truck. This is the 1800 Pro Gilibert has changed the texture and wheels. Store Price: 10000 Capacity 24,200 Kg Credits: Giants editor Baebossa Pisty
1 pass pack

Description Hi! This is the 1 pass pack from fs 09 that i have converted to fs 11. You can hire worker but it will end up with the worker following the same path over and over again.I recommend that you use one tractor that you can change the height on the attache whit Page Up and Page Down. Dont forget to un-zip. Credits The Cab Cowboy Dj Snake Converting: Vallsta
CattleFarm Peeters & Son V1.0 (Beta)

Cattlefarm Peeters and son v1.0 Beta is a custom samplemodmap whit buildin rind_mod. New are the loading and unloading places for animals. donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. Animals you purchased at the farm shop, can then be unloaded at the farm or cowzone. also your able to load them back for sales. All standard selling points have been adjusted. the terrain is adjusted here and there. For the moment in the map: – original Fruits. – SP fieldstatus V3.0 ready. – MP tested Reason that i build this map: my 5year old boy play the game, and alway’s ... Read more
New roadsign
This is the first one of my new roadsigns… european style…made whit a lot of details. i think it is the most realistic that you can find online, if you have suggestions..tell me. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?c0kbpoeilr5a5w1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/csvmfr
Süderhastedt map v1 edit
that map its the same but i have editd the ground. thats a map whit 5 silage silo pit and one manure pit. its not cow sone in the map but you can use teh milck mod. there are 2 farms and one BGA. thats only orginal frutis. there are wery many corn fields but it is canola,barly,and wheat also. thee map its multiplayer ready and singel player ready. so I hope you will like it. Download: http://ul.to/mxw3u6tw
Cat TH407
Cat TH407 he controls are whit the numpad. up/down = 7/4 tip/back = 8/5 extra arm = 9/6 it only accepts “frontloader” tools!! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135718848/74b1bc9/Cat.zip.html
Ls11 Haren
it is a nice map whit big, very big and smaller fields. it is a good map for courseplay i hope you like it. This map has been tested as SP but not MP. Credits: it has no cowzone. -Bga – 1 farm and 1 supply agency called derks. – a big maize pit by :MONEYMAN it has the texture of the weserberglandmap. -Lowpolytrees – Vanilleeis -Farm Animals v1.0 – Maxter -Farm Animals v1.2 – Maxter Giants software Starter map ls11 by stroken. Hope u like it ! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121446614/7e0ed3b/Ls11_Haren.zip.html