Tag: wirsingkohl
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA

[gallery link=”file”] That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for ... Read more
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA

That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for a higher ... Read more

hello i gotten permission to this mod it is A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ ski 50 v 1.o dump trailer it has Lifting capacity 80000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo grass gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat sugarbeet weisskohl wirsingkohl corn sunflower! Turn signals work stops, etc. There is dust from the wheels! that is my desciption i hope you enjoye i just edited the kg to 80000 and put in corn hope you like it Credits this mod ... Read more
SCHMITZ SKI 50 v 1.0
A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ! Lifting capacity 50000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo grass gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat sugarbeet weisskohl wirsingkohl sunflower! Turn signals work stops, etc. There is dust from the wheels! Download: http://ul.to/9bpk4k5u
Gross BauernMap v1
Auf der GrossBauernMap 2012 Version 01 gibt es folgende Früchte : wheat ,barley ,rape ,maize ,grass ,betterave ,carrot ,mohn ,erbse ,greenwheat ,pea ,salat ,erdbeeren ,lauchzwiebel ,schnittlauch ,dryGrass ,oat ,rye ,sunflower ,cotton ,potato ,ananas ,tee ,rice ,sugarcane ,soybean ,rotkohl ,weisskohl ,wirsingkohl ,blumkohl ,sugarbeet ,gruenbo ,nad ,gelbbo ,spinat ,luzerne ,aubergine ,minze ,kohlrabi ,tomate ,artichoke ,wassermelone ,honigmelone ,champingons ,triticale ,sorghum und corn . Download
Pack: 2 Trailers fruit=wheat barley rape maize silage grass dryGrass sugarbeet carrot potato sunflower maize2 spinat oat mohn betterave karotte sand rotkohl blumkohl soybean pea weisskohl gelbbo gruenbo rice erbse wirsingkohl luzerne nad sugarcane greewheat Models/Scripts/Textura/Som: Formula_1 Thaks: FazendeiroBR, Sandro Download:
CLAAS Mega 370
Description: Fruits: wheat barley rape maize sunflower sugarbeet karotte1 potato karotte wirsingkohl Modell: Willymi corp. Skin: Willymi corp. Ls11: Paldoo v3 (TT,skin,Other): Paldoo Multifruits Modifications: TiagOliveira Download: CLAAS Mega 370 [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Mega 370 [Uploading.com]