Tag: wolfheart
Mining Map 2012 v1.5

In this map you can drive around a mine and view the nice scenery and detail. This map contains the original map fruits and its not a map for farming and there are no fields. The dirt is not moveable but its still a fun map. Feel free to edit this map just keep POLISHMODS team and any other credits to the objects you keep also keep me in the credits. Hope someone can make the dirt moveable. I am working on a version 2 and have two mines. Things changed -added new models -fixed issue with store spot when ... Read more
XGMCEuropa gr215a

Peelo (aka Wolfheart) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138096351/3165ab1/XGMCEuropagr215a.zip.html
Living and Dying Countryside – (not so) Urban Exploration

his map was created by Wolfheart. Also every abandoned building is made by Wolfheart (aka Peelo) and shall be use freely. Download: http://ul.to/qna4ipx9
Lakepeak Cattle Farm v4
Made by Nublu Big thanks to Jellebie34 for the idea and Reef for the help. Thanks to Duarn, Solanz, Wolfheart, Venom and Axel of Sweden for the buildings. Also thanks to Tyler Burgess for the bridge. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136896224/5f8354d/Lakepeak_Cattle_Farmv4.zip.html
Farmilan Tila
Beni95(me)for map. Credits for buildings:Wizznall,Venom,Wolfheart,troll771, Juketsu,geertyb0y,countypower, cadaverule,willjsavage,jartsa84 Download: http://ul.to/z2t4m1ci
Ground Zero ver. 1,2
Giant. pcspast. DerJango. Showgunn84. wiliam 7530. Wolfheart (aka. Peelo). Gerzi & Bitten. janlandby. Ceema. Sniper214. melfoy. X3mperformance Download: http://ul.to/494zee90
Ground Zero version 1.2.1 [Updated]
Credits to.: Giant. And the credit for the buildings used in this map are.: pcspast. DerJango. Showgunn84. wiliam 7530. Wolfheart (aka. Peelo). Gerzi & Bitten. janlandby. Ceema. Sniper214. melfoy. Tika. Cadaver. fanka157 X3mperformance. Thanks for the great mods. Download: http://ul.to/avxqqybl
Lakepeak Cattle Farm
Made by Nublu Big thanks to Duarn, Solanz, Venom, Axel of Sweden and Wolfheart for their buildings I found from this site. Thanks to Tyler Burgess for the wooden bridge. Thanks to ls-uk for all the info. And a big thanks to Reef for the help! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134982445/5c60b78/Map.zip.html