Tag: Wolverine
Somerset farm

Welcome to somerset farm. This is an edit of fergie farm v2. It now has 14 fields on a more hill terrain. There is a new yard with more sheds and most importantly, grass and maize triggers!! I would recommend the massy 240 pack for this map as if you had any bigger a tractor you would crash. This map has all the origonal fruits plus sugerbeet and potato which can be sold at the shed in the village. This map has tight concrete lanes to traverse with small machinery. If you want to combine use a lizard or modteams ... Read more
FS2011 Deutz Tractor Pack (Washable)

This is the Default FS2011 Tractors, with a few enhancements. This is a re-upload as the original version is missing a texture file. All the vehicles are washable, and wheelparticles. They also have ESlimiter, operating hours & RPM displays. The store prices for the vehicles are slightly higher than the base vehicles due to the added options. Credits Models & Base Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH Dirt Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH & Calamarain Specialisations : ManitouAutosteer: henly20 (LS-UK Modteam) Compass : JACK Operating Hours : Manuel Leithner Washable : Manuel Leithner ESLimit : Manuel Leithner (edits for RPM Display ... Read more
John Deere 7930 V5.1
Creators : {MF390/Wolverine} Scripters : {JohnDeere6930/Face/JoXXer (BJR-Modding)/Wolverine} Texture : {MF390/wolverine et Juju-62 (dirt textures)}
Amozone Front hopper
Schreier, Hummel, Bastian82, Wolverine Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?p33wi48aapdlbwc http://www.sendspace.com/file/tftsep
Fliegl DDK 240
here is version 2 of the mod pack Fliegl DDK 240v1, the program of new features andanimation pack and became multifruits. observation; – [This is version 2 of this pack Fliegl DDK 240, with new animations, new optional tipping(chaff) for all crops. The pack consists of three versions (Deutch, French and swiss edition).Compatible with: wheat, barley, rape, maize, chaff, sunflower, potato, sugarbeet, oat andfertilizer. This Rar archive, so you have to open and copy a Zip archive of this 3 (or 3) in your case mods. Have fun with it. ] Credits: Créateur(s) : {Wolverine/Giants (roues)} Scripteur(s) : {Fruktor/Sven777b/Geri-G et ... Read more
Agritec 2011 v4.3 – With DLC2 BGA
MAP: Tiago Piloneto BGA Modder: Silo klein & mittel: Silowand: MF390 Silo-Planen: Heady Silo groß: Siloplatte: Fatian Silo-Planen: Heady Script: Heady Publisher: PLANET-LS Fermentation tanks and other objects (BGA): Modsource v5 Modelle und Felder: Bigfarmer145 Organisationen Ideen und Hofgestaltung: Sevorane Silos für Gras und Mais Modell und Texturen : Jimkerk Script Heady / Bgasilos1.4 Edit Jimkerk FertilitzerMod Idee: Dachskiller Model: Nikl Script:sven18koehler/fruktor Powerd by Eifok-Team Hofsiloanlag Geplant, gebaut von icemann3072 Platten, Silos, Mühle, dairy, Brauerei (new skins): Mecklenburg Vorpommern Map v1 by maurermatze & tommy r PioneerSeed This map object was released as Getreide_AG_by_icemann3072. I wanted it to be a ... Read more