Tag: Wooden
Wooden shelter v 1.0

This is a wooden shelter for every yard. You have to add it to the GE. He is already scaled appropriately and only needs to be placed yet.
MAZ-6303 with trailer HD teksture

MAZ-6303 with trailer HD teksture. I want to introduce to you a fantastic truck. HD textures. Reflective paint. Full animation. excellent sound. hand brake (space) opening doors (n-m) light (f) Brightness of the instrument panel in the cab. lift cabin (b) Tilt (t) Wooden page on the trailer. Connection trailer with wooden pages. real size 1:1 Super price. I was thrilled this truck, I hope you will like it and you. Credits: author: Saprykin Maxim 3D Model: JAWA Textures: JAWA Skripts: JAWA
Farming the bottom

First a big thanks to farmeryip for his videos on how to make a map. Start map– palajos, dodo27 and gnom Milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge. Hanger12- duarn Feed mixer/shredder– discoade Beet and potato storage sheds– discoade gas station– devil revenge Spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shad- troll711 MultiSilo- Maca Houses– ar1g3 EsterhazyMill- siraly0211 Wooden bridges- abasstreppas Old sheds– fergus-payne Download: http://ul.to/1p4sltqh
Wooden Road Sign v 1.0
The signs are: BGA Brewery CowZone FarmingShop Gas Station train station main farm 2ndFarm Lidl sugar factory Supermarket Village Port Empty Sign With The Correct Font for making your own signs. This font copy to: C: \ Windows \ Fonts Download: http://freakshare.com/files/2jj2j7c4/Woodensigns.zip.html http://ul.to/27brsbuo
Grainramp by willjsavage Wooden Shed by Geertyb0y silage pit v2 model: wiliam 7530 farmShop by wase9,dodo27 Verladesilos by UnixRoot orginal models by gigants Download: http://ul.to/gzrfb6o2
Mountain Valley Farm
This will probaly be version 1 as I have some more things I want to do like adding fruits and finish textures. I’m releasing now for testing purposes by a few and any one who wants to give me feedback. It mimics farms in my area exccept for the town as my nearest town is 10 miles away. Credits: Me cottonville farms for the map build dave_p for milk mod **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture – badlanz79 Grass Texture Pack ... Read more