Tag: XarioN
Valtra 8050 Fixed version

Hey, this is Fixed version in Valtra 8050, and tractor have Valtra’s 50-year celebration color. Send message for me, if you have something feedback. Features: TwinWheels Front/Rear Passengermod Worklights Front/Rear Beacons Quicke Frontloader mounts ESLimiter Over width lights 1:1 Mod Removable front weights Thank you to all who have been involved in the project!! Credits Modell: Wiuwe Ingame: Wiuwe Texturs: Wiuwe, Ännä, XarioN +others Scripts: PeterJ,Henly20 / Giants
ValtraT202 V1 Edit

This is an edit of Hinnerk’s ValtraT202_V1_1 I have added blitz at the roof, new weels, new paint. I have also added a frontloader attacher for Quicke loaders Wink Beaconlights: HOME start: NUM-Enter Handbrake: Space Frontlights: F….longlights: Hold F Worklights Front: NUM-5 Worklights back: NUM-6 Credits All credits for the modell go to Saemo, XarioN and ValtraN111 All credits for the specis go to the original scripters! Edit: Morty304
Valtra 900 Pack [MP]

Valtra 900 Pack includes: Valtra 900 2WD Valtra 900 4WD Valtra 900 4WD with Frontloader MP-LIFT 255 Tractors work in Multiplayer! Features: 1:1 scale AO Texture Opening doors and rear window Dual Wheels Worklights Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro Controls: 0 – Menu on/off KP , – Ignition KP 1, 2 – Open/Close Doors KP 3 – Autosteer On/Off KP 4 – Worklights On/Off KP 5 – Rear Duels On/Off KP 6 – Front Duels On/Off KP 8 – Open/Close Rear Window Credits Model, Texture and Ingame: Tepa00 Scripts by The LS-UK Modteam (www.ls-uk.info), Modified by Tepa00 Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro ... Read more
Valtra T131 hitech
Modell: Saemo Textures: Saemo,ValtraN111,Koozzi,XarioN,emil_99 InGame: Saemo Edit: emil_99 Script: Giants Software Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?lyfkkxhw002jb03 http://www.sendspace.com/file/hjj4rp
Valtra T202 Black
All credits goes to model creator and script creator. PeterJ Henly20 farmsweden Chrille154 Saemo Axel_of_sweden ValtraN111 Koozzi XarioN Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bol5fcdy7ayo1hl
Valtra XM150
Model: Saemo, Axel_of_sweden, ValtraN111 Textures: Saemo, ValtraN111, Koozzi, XarioN Script: Henly20, PeterJ Edit: Chrille154 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138378469/83cf92c/ValtraXM150.zip.html
Valtra S352 V1.1
This is the Valtra S352. Original model from XarioN and ValtraN111. Used specis: AttacherSetRpm Gear (which is basically a handbrake) manualIgnition (NUMPAD enter) Wheeldirt The tractor runs about 60km/h and pulls quite good! All credits go to the original modders XarioN and ValtraN111 and to the original scripters! Thank you! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134582996/058c9a5/ValtraS352_V1_1.zip.html
Valtra N142
Model: Saemo Textures: Saemo, ValtraN111, Koozzi. Frontwheels XarioN Script: Giants software edit: wiliam 7530 & Chrille154 & Damo Fix’s: cam001 & damo Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129110755/b88a981/ValtraN142.zip.html
Ford/New Holland 7740
Credits: Model: Saemo Textures: Saemo, ValtraN111, Koozzi. Frontwheels XarioN Script: Giants software edit: masseyman44 EDIT: Shy Rage EDIT: Shy Rage Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126497474/c6976ca/FORD7740blue.zip.html
Valmet 905 Turbo
Credits: Model: XarioN Tekstura: XarioN, Azceli, ValtraN111 Programowanie: XarioN Skrypt: Henly20, Peterj Felgi: ValtraN111 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125943243/12cdf7d/Valmet905.zip.html