Tag: xml
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Credits Original Model By: Nickel77 V8 engine BY: Budman81 Front Wheels: Knagsted Moddesc and XML BY: Knagsted Rear Wheels: FV–Modding Manual Ignite Script: Templaer Removeable Duals: Schnulla-817(according to xml) This Edit BY: JONJUNK
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more
Rolltor v 1.0 incl. Script

In the Map file modDesc.xml add the following lines: Credits: Ehemals BGA Schiebetor mit Funktion Urmodder: Desperados93
LS 2011 PATCHER ver. [ENG] and [ITA]

Hey guys I have released a new version of patcher. Cangelog: – the application haven’t a free tool to decompress a mod.zip, in fact the size of installation is reduced. I have implemented a dll on application to extract and compress a zip file ^^ – you don’t search manually a NAME_MOD.xml because i have added a function to search this file – i have implemented a function for backup of original file. – now is very nice to use. It’s to try Cheesy Credits Created by me MIKYB854
MAZ 5549
Carrying cultures: wheat barley rape maize sunflower rye grass silage. Added scripts: tueren, unisound. Capacity: 10 tonns. Has opening doors. Doors opens with M, N. Max speed ~ 50 km/h. Great truck for small farms. This is my first truck edit. I hope you will like it. Credits: Script: IFAW50L MAZ: 3D Model: Newuser, Reketir, dufata, Kamazist86, GlobetrotterXL Textures: Newuser Converted/Help: NORTHERN_STRIKE/STALKER Assembly/Edit 3D Model/Textures: MYTHBUSTER FS 2011: Edit 3D Model/XML: MYTHBUSTER Edit: kolhoznik18 (t-28) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?x4g1107bz1u84ew http://www.sendspace.com/file/mxhifo
Extra weight mod
Its a 6 stage weight addition for any vehicle. Everything is in the text document needed to add this to your model. Easy to follow instructions.Ability to use GE and XML essential! Credits: Giants Borders Basher Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?d1nmndmxkc58dlk http://www.sendspace.com/file/843t93
Claas Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle pack edit by EddieVegas
To use this mod and to get it into the store you need v2.0 or newer of the game. It’s EASY to read the release notes when you are about to download a mod and find that out instead of complaining before you know. Patch can be found here for the non steam and mac users: Giants update page and its FREE! This is the Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle pack for LS2011 by Knuuud [LS-UK] and Herrman. Featuring REAL knicksteering, auto aiming in turns, fully washable, fully illuminated. Detach the trailer and attach another while your buddy drives it back to ... Read more
Case Magnum 8940 – Pack
This my new modification. The Case 8940 Row Crop, an Case 8940 Normal Wheels. Scripts: RPMLimiter GasLimiter DualWheels ManualIngnition Etc. The. Xml file was reworked. The model is 100% compatible with MultiPlayer. Thanks: FSM-Brasil/American Eagles Modding Forum and Members. Credits: Model/Textures:Knagsted Scripts: Giants,PeterJ,Templaer,LSUK Modteam,Manuel Leithner,Modorgas. Ingame/Edit:RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eruxb6jhzxsdlwl http://www.sendspace.com/file/7divdt
Unit Switcher (v2.2)
How to use it? Place the a0_Units.zip file in your mods-folder. Once Farming Simulator 2011 is started, go into Options->Controls, and verify if you want to change the keyboard-bindings from the default; – Change PDA-map size: LEFT ALT V – Change speed-unit: LEFT ALT B – Change currency-unit: LEFT ALT N – Change fuel-unit: LEFT ALT M – Hide HUD: LEFT ALT H Do please note that, once in the game the helpbox will first display the keys when the modifier-key is actually pressed, so you do not end up with a huge helpbox. A modifier-key is; LEFT SHIFT, RIGHT ... Read more
Volvo FH Pack v2
This is a pack with the Volvo FH12 540 and Volvo FH16 750. ( I know that front is’t like the real ones but i may come in a version 3) I think i got everything fixed on them since v1. And i added some more things to them too. Thanks to egta who has being my beta tester. Volvo FH540: Side skirts Beleuchtung V3.1 ESLimiter Extra weights Operating Hours Update log: fixed floating issues added low attacher joint fixed wheel issues .xml errors wider shorter working operating hours more lights options Volvo FH16 750: Side skirts Beleuchtung V3.1 ESLimiter ... Read more