Tagged: XXL


Wellbrook Map 2011

Credits: The LS–UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123) Thanks to Vanilleeis for the Lowpolytrees, J+B modding for the sugarbeet textures and Headshot XXL for loadshovel script Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126713364/7aeda0c/UNZIP_ME_WELLBROOK.zip.html


Kaweco Radium 55 Orange

Credits: Modell: Kanalratte Textur: Klemen12 Ingame: Kanalratte Danke an: Dachskiller, Mbtrac 100 Scripte: Face, Headshot_XXL, Giants,u.v.m Modifikation: Nsze1423 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123811947/5ac33d5/Kaweco_Radium_55_Orange.zip.html


Kaweco Radium 55 Grün

Credits: Modell: Kanalratte Textur: Klemen12 Ingame: Kanalratte Danke an: Dachskiller, Mbtrac 100 Scripte: Face, Headshot_XXL, Giants,u.v.m Modifikation: Nsze1423 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123745799/c491b9e/Kaweco_Radium_55_Green.zip.html


Case Pack

Case 7488v3, Case Aircart, Case Airseeder, Case CHX 420, Case Dolly, Case Fanneur, Case Silage, Case Steiger 600HD Big6, Case Steiger 600 Ready, Case TopDown, Case XXL, Case 18TO, Case Avalanche 1594, Case Maxi...