Tag: XXL
Fendt 614 LSA Rebuild
Description: Modell + Textur: modelleicher + Giants Software Ingame: modelleicher + fendt2000 Script: modelleicher + Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL Sound: John Deere 6930 + mf390 Download: Fendt 614 LSA Rebuild [Hotfile.com] Download: Fendt 614 LSA Rebuild [Uploading.com]
International 1255XL
Description: Textur: shiny16 / Kennzeichen: jan.m.o Reifen: LordNyax / Textur: shiny16 Ingame: Fendtmannfelix / Umbau: fendt2000 Scripts: Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL + Geri-G + Jack Download: International 1255XL [Hotfile.com] Download: International 1255XL [Uploading.com]
Liebherr 550 Pack
Description: Liebherr 550 2plus2 Model: Giants (DC) Ingame: Jegge Edit: Jegge & Alfkiller Texture: Jegge & Alfkiller Scripts: Jegge, Face, Sven777b, HeadshotXXL, Templaer, Tr3n3rO Liebherr SiloShovel Model: Agrotron130 Texture: Agrotron130 Script: Outlaw Edit: Jegge Liebherr Shovel Model: Giants Ingame: Jegge Script: Headshot XXL Skin: Jegge & Alfkiller Download: Liebherr 550 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Liebherr 550 Pack [Uploading.com]
CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1
Description: Modell: MF390 Textur: MF390 Sound: Sevorane Script: Headshot XXL, Mr.F Changelog v1.1: – Radcolli höher gestzt gegen aufsetzen – Sound errors gefixt – Bremslicht hinzugefügt – Breakforce erhöht, dass die handbremse auch wirkung zeigt – Collimaske eingetragen, kann nun betankt werden usw. – Ap erkennt mehr foliages (Danke an Kreimy) – Animierter Fl Joystick – Neue Reifen – Größerer Lenkeinschlag – Blinker Rechts is nun richtigrum – Innenraum etwas heller – Fl joint fester Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Uploading.com]
Same Iron 200
Description: Model, Texture, In Game : matteo135 Scripts : matteo135, Templaer, Schnulla-817, Stefan Geiger, Manuel Leithner & Headshot XXL, Sven777b Download: Same Iron 200 [Hotfile.com] Download: Same Iron 200 [Uploading.com]
Case IH 1255 Special Version
Description: Modell + Texture: shiny16 / Registration: jan.m.o Tires: LordNyax / Texture: shiny16 Ingame: Fendtmannfelix / Reconstruction: fendt2000 Scripts: Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL + Geri-G + Jack Model edit: Simulation Script edit: Traktori_Mies Download: Case IH 1255 Special Version [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH 1255 Special Version [Uploading.com]
FENDT 614 LSA Turbo
Description: Modell + Textures: modelleicher + Giants Software Ingame: modelleicher + fendt2000 Script: modelleicher + Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL + Alex Modification: Alex Download: FENDT 614 LSA Turbo [Hotfile.com] Download: FENDT 614 LSA Turbo [Uploading.com]
Transport Trailer XXL
Description: Here is a longer version of the Transport Trailer. Creator : Geri-G Edit: Zippo Download: Transport Trailer XXL [Hotfile.com]