Category: Uncategorized Mods


Volvo WolfTruck Combo for GTS

Introduction: Volvo WolfTruck Combo Collected by asd000, reprinted here by Lloyd Install: copy the scs file to your mod directory after extraction Credits: made by unknown, if you are the author plz contact us...


Volvo FH16 Oldenburger for GTS

Introduction: Volvo FH16 Oldenburger for GTS Replaces Volvo in the game Install: copy the scs files to your mod directory after extraction Credits: Made by unknown. if you are the author, please contact us!...


DAF LF Kanunikita for GTS

Introduction: DAF LF Kanunikita for GTS Replaces DAF C Class in the game Install: copy the scs files to your mod directory after extraction Credits: Made by unknown. if you are the author, please...


1978 Scania 141 Rocco 4×2 for GTS

Introduction: 1978 Scania 141 Rocco 4×2 Replaces scania.rcab.a in the game Install: copy the scs file to your mod directory after extraction Credits: Skin by:The Trucker Remake by:The Trucker, Texture by:The Trucker, Kelsa by:HTR,...


Container Replacement for GTS

Introduction: Container Replacement for GTS Install: put scs file into your mod folder. Replaces reefer in the game. Credits: made by unknown, plz contact us if you are the author. Download:


Fred Argosy truck for GTS

Introduction: Fred Argosy truck for GTS Replaces volvo truck class A in the game Install: copy the scs file to mod folder after extraction Credits: made by unknown, if you are the author plz...


Hino 700 truck 4×2 & 6×4 for GTS

Introduction: Hino 700 truck for GTS Replaces Mercedes Actros in the game Install: extract the scs file into your mod directory Credits: Made by CSW, licenced by puyu to post here Download: