TECNO 9500 Combine PACK
Credits: Model Tecno 9500: Formula_1 Textures: Formula_1 Script: Formula_1 machine based John Deere 9950 (Chrisp267) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123049846/8aa45bd/TECNO_9500_PACK.rar.html
Credits: Model Tecno 9500: Formula_1 Textures: Formula_1 Script: Formula_1 machine based John Deere 9950 (Chrisp267) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123049846/8aa45bd/TECNO_9500_PACK.rar.html
Credits: www.Ls-planet.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122862245/febce9d/JD-6420-Pack—UNZIP-.zip.html
Credits: Model: s3rious Script: s3rious Convert: s3rious Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122860065/d3fcf77/Majevica_pack.zip.html
Credits: Modell&Textur: MF390 LS11: Katsuo/Bjorny LS 2011 rebuitlt by Bjorny Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121324420/7e6ca35/CaseMaxxumUnPackMe.zip.html
Credits: Deutz Agrotron M Serie by Acert (c)2011. Großer Dank an die Modder der Lua Dateien! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121259543/a0d4b46/Deutz_M600_v2.zip.html
Credits: Model, Script, Ingame, Texture by Dad0 Wheels by Giants Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120987362/eb66d7c/TorpedoTD9006A_Open_me.zip.html
Credits: Made by Serbian MOD Team Model: dammir Script: dammir www.farmingsimulatorsrbija.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120044412/38d26fb/Rakovica47_and_Rakovica65.zip.html
THIS HAS A README or press “0″ in game to get information fixes since V2: -fixed missing parking light -fixed hitch lowering issue with multiple tractors -added hidable front hitch IN PACK: -JD 8360R...
Credits: Knagsted (John–Deere 4450 et 4850) Pierragri modifs et skins 4055, 4455 et 4955 Vincent TCS, skins 4255 et 4755 Convertion ls2011 : foubmat Download: 5-v-2.rar.html
Description: Modell/Textur: shangri66, Freddy Ingame: Psycho Dirt-Skin/Anpassungen/Feintuning: Mofa-Killer Script: Defender, Face, sven777b, Mofa-Killer Fixed: Mario AP: gotchTOM Download: CLAAS Lexion 580TT Pack (Washable & New AP) [Hotfile.com]