Tag: ao
1:1 Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Shields curve v 1

features: -the individual plates can be adjusted to the curve (see picture) – AO texture -1300 polygons Credits: Modell: Landwirt 12 Textur: Landwirt 12 Ingame: Landwirt 12
Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Do not modify without my permission. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
FlotationTyre_AO UpDate V-2.1

Description Floatation Tyre/Wheel for Farm Trailers created with Blender V-2.62 AO Texture created with Blender V-2.62 You are free to use this file in any Farming Simulator Mod. With no permission required. Please credit Milpol if you do use this file. My appology to users that have downloaded the incorrect Update where the right wheel has an incorrect Z Axis and rotates in the reverse direction. This version is corrected, i just hope i know my left from my right ;0) Credits Mod file created by Milpol Texture Created by Milpol
Machinery and implements Shed
Here is a little shed for implements and machinery or whatever you like, could be usefull for bales or fertilizer enjoy… add this models with giants editor 4.1.7/4.1.9 on your map. Please give credit if used on your map. Credits Modell: Max900 AO Texture: Max900
Valtra 900 pack
The tractor is capable MP! Valtra 900 pack: Valtra 900 2WD Valtra 900 4WD Valtra 900 4WD with Loader MP-255 lift Features: 1:1 AO texture Opening doors and rear window twin wheels on front and back Work light Steer Car by 3.0 Xentro Control: 0 – menu on / off KP – Engine Start KP doors open 1.2- KP 3 – Auto Steer on / off KP 4-light work backward / forward KP 5 – double rear tires KP 6 – double front tires KP 8 – open / close rear windows
In my opinion there are not enough old school tractors so thats why i decedid to make a Case Ih 956xl As always i kept it verry clean so that everybody can use it on their computer It has the folowing specs: motorized steerable hirable aiTractor ESLimiter beleuchtung31 dynamicExhaustingSystem hydraulicAnimations Pivot Axle Credits Modell:Bjorny AO Texture:Bjorny In-Game:Bjorny Sound:Bjorny Scripts:Sven777b/SFM-Modding/Manuel Leithner/modelleicher
Small Disk Harrow
Here we have a small Disk Harrow, It is built to suit the Massey Ferguson 240 pack as well as The basildon Blues. When you download this file there are two files located inside it, You will have to UN-ZIP it using J-Zip, Win Zip ect…. The reason for the two files inside is that One of them is the Disk Harrow that gets dirty and can be washed and in the second file there is a Disk Harrow that over a long period of time will get rusty (cant be washed off). Features 1:1 Scale AO Texture Washable Animated ... Read more
Veenhuis 7 kuubs
[gallery link=”file”] Model: Zetor4ever (ao)texture: Razvy/headshot ingame: Zetor4ever Script: IamCandyman/RTK-LS Veenhuis injecteur: model: RTK-LS texture: RTK-LS ingame: RTK-ls edit: Zetor4ever
Kazville Bus Stop
This is a bus stop for your map, to be inserted via GE. It is 1:1:1 scale and has AO mapping aswell You can add to your maps if you upload your map please give credits thanks. Credits: Modle: Kaznall Texture and AO : Kazznall and wizznall Ingame: Kaznall Plus a special thanks to sam for teaching me and sharing his knowlage with me. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2p7rpo9cs91wd4c http://www.sendspace.com/file/vyekhz