Tag: ao
Veenhuis Sluury Tanker

Here,s a nice veenhuis slurry tanker ideal for small farms and contractors its my first mod with an AO texture so i hope you like it Enjoy It has Lightscript V3.1 PTO Credits: Modell:Bjorny Ingame:Bjorny AO Texture:Bjorny Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2n4yppr5zglon2h http://www.sendspace.com/file/0qrpwo
Australian clothes line

This is an Australian clothes line modeled on the on in my back yard. This is a map object, to be imported in to your maps via GE. This model has AO and is scaled to 1.1.1 to true size. Please give credit if you use it in a map and upload it. Thank you and hope you like it. Credits: Model: Kaznall and massive thanks to Sams for all his help texture: Kaznall and Sams patience and valuable time and his flight to Australia. Ingaming: Sam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9tz2qddheed8n7h http://www.sendspace.com/file/cr3lsn
Claas Jaguar 980 Pack

Jaguar 980 Model: Claasveet81 Reflections skin: RSAntilles Pu 300 HD Modell: Bigfarmer145 und MAurUS Textur (AO): MAurUS Script: Geri-G, Giants Claas Orbis 750 Model: Unbekannt Texture(AO): MAurUS Script: Giants, Mr. F Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136137766/32f955c/Entpack-mich.rar.html
Fendt 870KG
Credits: Modell: Bigfarmer145 AO Textur: 818vario Ingame: 818vario Herausgeber: www.ingamepics.forumieren.com/ LS11 Redy 828Vario Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121054705/4addad0/Fendt_Weight.zip.html