Tag: Barn
Old Barn with included lms Lighting v 1.0

Credits: Barn – mote454 lmsPlaceable script – TwistedGA itmes – Sandgroper, fin050808, Giants, mote454, modelleicher textures (some modified) – CGTextures and google
Bale Shed with working Bale destroy trigger
A map object (must be placed in map using Game Editor) A Bale shed that has a working Bale destroy Trigger. You will need to lower it into the ground slightly, you will also have to remove the ground from within the shed (use your square brush. I have only tested the trigger using a front loader tractor and then dropping the bales into the Barn…..This works fine, so i assume an autoloader trailer should be ok?. You are free to use this model as you wish, i ask only a small mention in your credits. If you upload this ... Read more
Barn pack
this is my own version of a open barn, it has a 7′ breeze block wall with wooded lats all around for light input, and a green tin roof texture as this fit’s most farming map’s, I have made 2 the big one is 90′ x 65′ and the small one is 90′ x 30′, the floor texture is just asphalt, but if you wish to change any of these, it’s up to you’s, please PLEASE keep all the mod’s I upload to the original site, ls-uk.info. thanks for using this if you download and enjoy. Credits: credit’s will start ... Read more
Hello everyone this farm has a nice community I put in a hospital, school, public pool,two shoping centers new houses and a hunting and fishing lodge by the lake for us old guys Ive got four different kinds of roads on this map nice smooth paved, asphalt,and gravel,and some plain old dirt roads this is not a flat map it has hills and valleys so you better like to farm hills you have 3 places to sell your grain the office by the grain bens the old grits mill by the lake and the brewery you have cows and the ... Read more