Tag: Barn
Barn storage 2 tier

This is a barn for all your day to day item’s to be stored in a smallish area, not much bigger than a normal pole barn, this give’s you a upper storage area, which I myself use for tractor’s, I’ve had 16 up there and there is still room. down stair’s there is two identical sized area’s for trailer’s ect, and adjacent to that is a area which I use for combine’s. For small map’s this will be usefull, hut like I said enjoy If you want it, thank’s if you upload this, and I’am alway’s making more for everyone ... Read more
FarmLand V4.1 Norwegian Edit
This is my second Edit of Mihay92’s FarmLand. Now ive edited the map so it’s supposed to look like the norwegian agriculture. New farm. New Brewery(Felleskjøpet) Iv’e also removed many trees, so it’s easier to hire at the fields. Lidl store. A workshop at the farm where you can park your vechiles. Bale Schredder Credits: All credits to Mihay92, a really good mapmaker! Supersilo: Farmerjoe Barns: American Eagles mod team Large Norwegian Barn: Farmertobben and Slartibartfast Tractorshop: Karskmartin Zone Recovery: Dodo 27 and STALKER Lights: Dodo 27 Felleskjopet: RRS Lidl: Der comisar Download: http://ul.to/bidxkqia https://rapidshare.com/files/3911707891/FarmLandV4.zip
Giants and Giants editor for making this possiable Mc Donalds unknown Landhandel sell point unknown American signs Virikas Giants blender Adobe Google Hermit23 General Barn Docoz John Deere Dealership made by Troll711 credits to John Deere and Deere.com Reskined Houses Giants and Arig3 Chevron Gas Station Troll711 Chevron Gas Sniper214 for lights Old Farm House Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahru If I have left anyone out please let me know and A big thanks to FarmerYip for those videos. Download: http://ul.to/ghtjora6
Norwegian Barn (Old style)
Model: HStrand Ingame: Benjamin Vestly Manure storage doors: Axel_of_Sweden/RRS Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7r1ip0057ee165z http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xjoiw
LS Map 2012 v 1.0
An der Kuhweide ist jetzt ein weiterer unterstand , der Hof wurde geändert und für das das die Strohballen besser in den Stroh Barn hineinkommen wurden weitere 4 Strohelevatoren hinzugefügt, auch die Vogelscheuche wurde entfernt um besser auf diesem Feld zu arbeiten Download: http://ul.to/mzqgc0vd
North Forty v2
English bale barn by RobDobie1994 Milk Mod by Acert Opico Grain Dryer by mf6160 American Style Barn by troll711 Felleskjopet Grainary by RRS Beehive by Siraly0211( Hungary ) Manure-pit by dodo27 Farm Diesel Fuel Tank by Sandgroper General purpose corrugated metal sheds by Sandgroper Cattle grid by Wizznall Header-storer by Gamesnaper Manure mod by Wizznal Static Ducks by Sandgroper Download: http://ul.to/pfpv0m1p
North Forty v4 Final
Frontloader attachment storage racks by Silvoking Hayshed by Sandgroper Stone Cottage by Sandgroper House with car port by Wizznall Gas Station Pack by troll711 Milk Mod by Acert Opico Grain Dryer by mf6160 American Style Barn by troll711 Felleskjopet Grainary by RRS Beehive by Siraly0211( Hungary ) Manure-pit by dodo27 Farm Diesel Fuel Tank by Sandgroper General purpose corrugated metal sheds by Sandgroper Cattle grid by Wizznall Header-storer by Gamesnaper Manure mod by Wizznall Grass Texture Pack by PolishMods Modified Manure by Koper Download: http://ul.to/1nb4727f
My Free Farm
American Style Red Barn:troll711 Large American Style Barn:troll711 US Red Roofed Barn: sandgroper Old windmill: bitten Plastic Fencing: sandgroper 5 Strand Wire and Wooden Post Fencing Kit V1.1: sandgroper Road pack: goldpower600 Water Collection, Storage and Supply Mods: sandgroper Multisilo: Maca Liquid Manure & Solid Manure Mod: NorweiganFarmer dam: roni Download: http://ul.to/4l4edvz0