Tag: Base
John Deere 1470H v 1.0

Description Brand Combines John Deere Credits: –Model: JOHN_DEERE_635_FD Draper :FORMULA_1 Textur, -Script: FORMULA_1 Medel Base: JD 625F ( Nickel77) -edit: viniciuslinkgcp -Convertida por: André Vinicius
Bogballe M3W plus mod

Description not my mod i yust uploading it!!! Credits Original Bogballe M2W Base: SFM-Modding Umbau auf Bogballe M3W plus: Kyosho
Scania R500 Black Dreams

[gallery link=”file”] Scania R500 Black Dreams _________________________ Credits: Base by Anaheim Convert to ETS by Dome Skin by Dome
Mercedes-Benz MP4 4×2
Mary Sue-Edition für GTS/ATS und ETS… ————————————— Credits MP4 4×2: ================================= Roadhunter base MR.Green first tuned by region59 Kelsa by Hotracer Tagfahrlicht by Alex Wheels by Ventyres New chasis by Königszapfen Credits Skin: =================================== Mary Sue-Skin by Königszapfen ———————————— Der Pack besteht jeweils aus einem MP4-Mod für GTS/ATS und ETS… Viel Spaß mit der Mary Sue-Edition… Gruß Königszapfen
Anderson farm
this is my edit of oak_farm. i have moved the yards about and took out the gate posts to get in and out of fields easier. i have re done all of the fields so that they hopefully dont turn green when you cut them.one farm is for arable machinery and the other is a little cow farm. all the fields are planted with ither Wheat,Barley,maize or grass. Hope you like my edit if you try it. Credits Edit- ClaasJaguar870 Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ Buildings – Modteam
Actros MP4
MB Actros MP4 LS by Freezer ————————— Credits ——– Base – Mr.Green First Tuned – region59 Modified – Roadhunter Tagfahrlicht – Alex Kelsa Bar – Hotracer Wheels – Ventyres Modified to LS – Freezer Danke an Roadhunter für hilfe und die erlaubnis seinen truck umbauen zu dürfen.
Claas Jaguat 900 FS
Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle: Base-Model: Yekk1/BigFarmer145 Texture: BigFarmer145/LordTex/ Base-Scripts: raptor, Arnold, Headshot XXL Midsteering by Zippo Manualignition by Templaer –> @LS11 by Andreas Schneider jlichterscript von Headshot XXL washable, ESLimiter, Operatinghours by Manuel Leithner – SFM-Modding RPMLimiter by Templaer Lightfunctions by Ellinor Ström LS 2011 porting, model editing and update, dirt skins, midsteering addition: Knuuud LS2011 ingame tweaking and physics: Herrman Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?yvpcpc7e9tycaja http://www.sendspace.com/file/8wqp2t
Old Road Farm
This is an edit of Orchard Farm. It is all grass and maize as it is a silage map. There is 2 yards, some of the fields are pretty big so you will need to cut your silage on multiplayer. All the grass fields come mowed because you simplay couldnt mow them on your own, this gives the singleplayer’s an advantage. A few of the bad points are: the pda isnt 100% the fields are mucked up but the roads are 100% the plane in the silo only rises to chaff and not grass, but the triggers still accept the ... Read more
Orchard farm edit by ilovefarming
Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ Buildings – Modteam Download: http://ul.to/triwce76 https://rapidshare.com/files/38194742/OrchardFarm.zip