Tag: Base
Claas 640

This mod includes: – Better Texture – New Wheels – New Steering Base – Improved Front Hydraulics – Washable (After an Hour) – Interior Sounds Credits: Original by Templaer Texture by Templaer, nhtl100a and RRJaguar Script by Temlaer and Face All Edits by RRJaguar Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?psocfpe94d86r9c http://www.sendspace.com/file/e0hrmw
DAF CF 8×4 Colonia

Credits: Base by Christel Umbau by mhm Skin by mhm Wheels by ventures87 Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gzcx8t http://www.mediafire.com/?h7kz7jbuwstcztg
DAF 95XF 480 SpaceCab

Credits: Base model by tom91. Modification to 95 XF by igor. Remoded by me .Semaca Remoded and converted to ets by ventures87 ! THANKS A LOT ! Some mat stuff by news ! Thank you to ! Front daf wheel axle by wombat! Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/a6erbu http://www.mediafire.com/?hk8po6yvpbti19j
my edit of orchard farm v2
Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ Buildings – Modteam and to all other modders whos buildings i used good work Download: http://ul.to/ahtbqvp9
Meadow Farm
Map edit: Discoade Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. Multi Silo. model: Maca, script: Defender store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Download: http://ul.to/22c3dd7w
Buckie Farm
Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ and Matt390t Buildings – Modteam and Deutz-fahr-uk, mf6160 Silage Pit – MONEYMAN, johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 Tested By- Matt390t Download: http://ul.to/njv90d0q
Wortham Farm
Base map: Ace-uk Corn texture: badlanz79 Sim3.09S Covered Bridge: canadianfarmer Bridge: mothee Stone bridge: dodo27 Potato cistern: Renting Modding Multi silo: Maca Mates house: Wizznall L Manure pipes: Axel_of_Sweden pioneer seed: jb3pc4sale Header Store: Gamesnaper objects: Gaxi / FSGAXI radio masts: RTK-LS milk mod: Acert Download: http://ul.to/he9dess4
Meadow Farm Revisited
Big thanks to geertyb0y for testing Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Clutter / Water mods: sandgroper Yard Building Kit: milk mod by Acert Lmanuremod: Janlandby, Acert Grain Unloading ramps and cattle grid: willjsavage Spot lights: Showgunn84 Cow shed: model-wiliam 7530/deutz fahr uk Silage Pit V2: ... Read more
PembroFarm v2
Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ, Matt390t big edit- will silage pit- geertyb0y Buildings – LS-UK Modteam and Deutz-fahr-uk, mf6160, Farmer54, Dylanalcornlawd, Dealers-Andrew stanford Tested By- Farmer54 and me Download: http://ul.to/ciqkzaxo
Base map: Giants, Ace-uk. some signs: Geertyb0y Root belt: bennieboy53 cattle grid/water tank: willjsavage Bale Shed/textures: Farmerl, Dalaid earnvale tractors: andrew stanford weighstation: Psyco cow shed, small bale shed, potato box, feed ring: Deutz Fahr UK manure pipe: Axel_of_Sweden trees: Vanilleeis Bridge: Tonio87 clutter/fencing: Sandgroper houses: dodo27, duarn, ar1g3, Janhenrik map objects: fsgaxi, Me Some buildings: Griffydam Double store: jd8430t Feed barrier: damo shop: wizznall trees: Vanilleeis shredder/loading pit/storage sheds: Discoade Grass textures: polishmods Many thanks to anyone ive missed. Let me know and i’ll add your name. Download: http://ul.to/u0y6mymg