Tag: Changelog
PDA MOD for Workers/MultiFruit (v0.94 beta)

Changelog v0.94 Fix for DLC2 BGA sell-point not showing in ‘Prices’ (thank you SoDakborn.) Minor fix to use appendedFunction() later, for CoursePlay v2.4 and v3.0. v0.93 Private edit, added “worker-icons” for CoursePlay v2.4 controlled vehicles. v0.92 Private edit, using Utils.appendedFunction(). v0.91 Private edit, minor attempt at optimizing “worker-icons” update-frequency. v0.9 Public release at LS-UK. Description Contains two features: Hired AI-workers are indicated with yellow icons on the PDA map. When using ‘courseplay’ or ‘autopilot’, you can see where they are driving (when in range). For the screens ‘Prices’ and ‘Statistics 1’, there is added sub-pages to support “multi fruits” for ... Read more
Claas Quantum 6800S v3

Features: Shafts with a mouse-controlled -Pickup with fully animated Particlesystem Lighting Power-custody -Animated slate floor Capacity-38m ³ -Filscale on 2 Changelog 3: Tires by Agrotron155 Lighting V3.1 And much more. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?icpldf33wd9dp5e http://www.sendspace.com/file/dzuwsh
Falkental Alps Edition

Changelog V2 Alps Edition: Alpenhof was built Contracting business has been built Mountains has been extended The whole terrain was hilly something, or made more mountainous New PDA screen Various trigger reset Many details added And much more! Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/qeKwDUI36Y/Falkental_Alpenedition.zip http://fiberupload.com/7zl738johdwh/Falkental_Alpenedition.zip
My Edit of Medium Farming Map V2
First of all sorry for my bad english. With Sivy’s permision I edited Medium Farming Map W/DLC 2 Biogas V2. This is first my try to edit something, so don’t punish me very much Changelog: Added milk mod Farm is completely changed Fields and crops left the same There is no starting equipment and machinery, but in pack I added 1000,000 money mod There is also BGA left. Removed trees for better clear view. Write your coments and tell me what do you think about it. Download: http://ul.to/5n6zatzt
Jolly Farmers
Changelog : barndoors fixed memory usage reduced MAKE SURE YOU CAN USE YOUR FULL MEMORY. You have to edit your GAME.EXE simply use NTCores 4GB patch, available here. http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php JollyFarm V2 is the new version of a simple edit I’ve made in the past of the standard map. It’s a nice place to farm in with some special features : the cowzone has been changed; the cowmeadow has a gate now so you can enter it more easy to startle the cows to the milking robot, it’s even possible to mow the grass in there. There are 2 feedingsthroughs, 1 ... Read more
John Deere 6910 (1.1)
Description: Model: Templaer & Wohlstandskind Texture, script: Templaer Changelog: – Updated the model Download: John Deere 6910 (1.1) [Hotfile.com]
CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1
Description: Modell: MF390 Textur: MF390 Sound: Sevorane Script: Headshot XXL, Mr.F Changelog v1.1: – Radcolli höher gestzt gegen aufsetzen – Sound errors gefixt – Bremslicht hinzugefügt – Breakforce erhöht, dass die handbremse auch wirkung zeigt – Collimaske eingetragen, kann nun betankt werden usw. – Ap erkennt mehr foliages (Danke an Kreimy) – Animierter Fl Joystick – Neue Reifen – Größerer Lenkeinschlag – Blinker Rechts is nun richtigrum – Innenraum etwas heller – Fl joint fester Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Uploading.com]
New Holland CR9090 v1.2 “Washable”
Description: Modder: Wohlstandskind & yekk1 Änderung: Mario Changelog: – waschbar – neues Hud (deutsch) – schwadablage / häcksel – füllstandsanzeige – arbeitslicht – pipelight (danke an Tr3n3ro) – hupe – greenstar – stvo (Blinker etc.) – auspuffqualm – komplett neues schneidwerk voll animiert mit particlesystem (Modder: Mario) – neue storpics – neue sounds (startsound, reversesound, blinkersound) – schneidwerkswagen + stvo (blinker etc.) – schneidwerk dirtskin gefixet – schneidwerks aiMarker angepast – cockpitanzeigen (anzeige für: rundumleuchte, licht, arbeitslich, pipelight) siehe bild – Helfer angepasst – drescher schwimmt nicht mehr so – uvm. Download: New Holland CR9090 v1.2 “Washable” [Hotfile.com] Download: New ... Read more
LKW & Trailerpack
Description: Pack und Edit: tiger1234 Inhalt/Changelog: LKW: Scania v8: Licht angepasst, hat jetzt Tagfahrlicht Scania_R470_Red: Licht angepasst, hat jetzt Tagfahrlicht Scania_P420_Big11: Licht angepasst, hat jetzt Tagfahrlicht MAN_19_464: keine Änderungen Trailer: Schmitzcargo: Gewicht angepasst, schlingert nicht mehr so Wielton: keine Änderungen MANtrailer: keine Änderungen der ist für den MAN_19_464 und den Scania_P420_Big11 CT3200 pack Download: LKW & Trailerpack [Hotfile.com] Download: LKW & Trailerpack [Uploading.com]