Tagged: Lot


New roadsign

This is the first one of my new roadsigns… european style…made whit a lot of details. i think it is the most realistic that you can find online, if you have suggestions..tell me. Download:...


DAF 95XF 480 SpaceCab

Credits: Base model by tom91. Modification to 95 XF by igor. Remoded by me .Semaca Remoded and converted to ets by ventures87 ! THANKS A LOT ! Some mat stuff by news ! Thank...


Deutz Agrofarm Frontloader

Description: With this Frontloader you can finish a lot of different jobs. Credits: GIANTS Software Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?us789n3uk2bd5zt http://hotfile.com/dl/135655486/d04e38e/Deutz_Agrofarm_Frontlader.zip.html